From August 1
It is pretty bad when I haven't officially started my new job and I already think I need to move on to another job. Yesterday, I showed up when I was told to show up. No one knew what the hell was going on. The manager who told me to be there hadn't let the on duty manager know I was going to be there, so I got sent home. I was told that my first day was just going to be orientation. But today I showed up with a white short sleeved collared shirt, like the told me to wear yesterday, but it isn't the right kind of white short sleeved collared shirt. It needs to button down all the way. So now I have a bunch of shirts that I can't use and can't return, and got sent home again. I haven't even filled out any paperwork or anything yest. WTF? I'm sorry, but if management can't even get their fucking story straight I'm not sure I want to work there. I don't even think that is me being elitist of me. I think that is me not wanting to work for a company that is obviously so disorganized that I'm surprised any of them can put their pants on the right way.
I'm all kinds of pissed off at the moment.
Another thing i'm pissed about; Why is myspace so retarded all the time?
Oh..and another thing. One of my cuddle buddies decided he wanted to ditch me and fuck some ugly scank ass stripper with a mullet. Things like that just make me feel all kinds of hideous. Why am doesn't anyone think I'm beautiful? I wish I was good enough to have around and not be required to be a whore to earn the honor.
From August 8
The past few days have been busy...sort of. I have a boyfriend, now. Our first day lasted almost five and a half days. lol.
We met on Thursday at the IMA. At first I really wasn't sure if it were a date or not. Later, he admitted that he wasn't sure either. So cute. Anyway, lol, we walked around the museum and talked. Left went to get coffee. Talked to Jo for a second, then we went to his house for awhile before we went to go see 'Clerks II'. We went to eat at a chinese buffet, than came to my house. The first night we stayed here.
Friday we didn't really do much. Actually, I'm trying really hard to remember what we did on what days. I think that on friday we humm...I don't know. Probably just went back to his house and watched a movie...Oh yeah, he made me watch 'The New Guy'. It was actually funny. We stayed at his house that night.
Saturday we came back to my house to change and get stuff. We went over to hang out with my friend Ryan. The plan was to go to Rocky Horror, but we really ended up just going to a bar and then to Steak 'N Shake. We went back to Ryan's and watched 'Grandma's Boy'. I'm glad that Ryan and Kip got along. it is always good when your friends and your boy get along. That night we stayed at Ryan,s.
Sunday and Monday night we stayed over at Kips house. I think just about ever day we came back home to my house so that I could get some-thing or other. The days weren't really other wise eventful. Neither of us were really feeling well. His parents just got back from Germany and have been sick. Now Kip and I are probably both going to get sick...I know he's sick...probably. He was all coughing and sneezy. I babied him well. ;)
I think it was on Monday...yes Monday, we had to run by the fair grounds so I could get my ID. We ended up stopping by my dad's office, too. My dad took us out to dinner. I think he really likes Kip. He said that he was 'appropriate' for me. lol. My mom thinks I'm rushing into this and am going to get myself hurt. I hope not *crosses fingers and knocks on wood* I think Kips a keeper.
Yesterday he delayed taking me home as long as he could. He didn't want to return me. He felt bad for getting me back so late when I had to get up so early, but I think it is actually really adorable of him.
He's just about everything I could ask for...we can talk about books, watch wonderfully silly movies together, we are both artistic and dorky. He's good to his mother, animals, and (from what I can tell) kids. He's understanding and forgiving. He's fun to talk to and hold. He has a really nice smile...near perfect teeth. I don't know. I'm so in love with him right about this second. lol.
His parents are nice. They kind of caught us in the shower together yesterday. I couldn't help but laugh even though it wasn't really that funny.
Anyway, It won't tell you much, but here is
Kip's Myspace page.
I'm sure I'll have more to say about all of the above when I remember and am less tired. I actually had a hard time sleeping without humm...
I worked today for my dad. It was pretty nice till later in the afternoon when it got hot. I made a bit of money. I've already spent $20 of it on stuff from the grocery. Mostly stuff for the whole family. I did this more for my dad's sake than anyone else's. He buys stuff for all of us...I figured I'd get some stuff this time. And some of the money is going to buy Angela a B-day present. It is on Friday. While I don't expect to get it to her on time; I also don't want it to be that late.
I have a job interview on Friday at Jo-Anne Fabrics. I hope I get the job. It seems like a place I would actually be happy to work at.
I think I need to get a little nap.
From August 21
I've noticed is probably something that I knew from way before, but it is blatantly obvious now. When I'm at home I am a very grumpy unhappy person. Most of the past few weeks I've been staying with Kip, and I have been happier than I have been in a very long time. I feel like my life is coming together. I have a great boyfriend. I have a job. I feel like the pieces are finally starting to fall into place. This week I've been home twice. Both times I arrived in a good mood, but left in a sour one. I don't know what it is. My sister an Josh (I think mostly josh) make me feel like less of a person. Kip makes me feel like I'm worth something, at least most of the time...while at home I feel worthless.
Other then that things have still been busy. I started my new job and it is going well. At the moment I don't have very many hours and am not getting paid much, but it is better than nothing. Most of my time I've been with Kip which kind of worries me. He lives at home still and I'm afraid that I'll wear out my welcome with his parents. His dad is really nice and seems to like me, but I'm not really sure what his mother thinks of me.
Yesterday we threw knives and did some archery. We both really suck, but at least I hit the target. Not the bulls eye, but still...the target...not bad for being out of practice I don't think.
I'm all caught up at 'Midian' or at least I think I am. The game is sort of depressing me at the moment, but that is just because it is going so slowly at the moment. My characters seem to be tied to alot of characters who are on hiatus. :/ I'm still giving the game time to pick up though...and trying to get Kip to join.
I wish I could bring Lilly over to Kip's...I'm worried that my sister or Josh will do something mean to her.
From Agusut 31
Why is it that I always feel that there is at least one road block on my pathway to progress? Not small bumps in the road but someone standing up and saying wrong way or some crap like that? I'm suppose to be moving in with Lindsey a week from tomorrow, and she isn't giving me any cooperation at all. I know she is busy, but she could at least call or something. She was supposed to call my monday night to talk out the details and I still haven't got that phone call. I could go and talk to the landlord by myself, I suppose, but if I did that for some reason I would feel like I was intruding. Lindsey said she didn't have any problems with me moving in with her, but if I am not getting any help from her I feel like maybe she doesn't really want me to live there. Maybe I should be looking for other places or something?
It is just so frustrating that I'm so excited about this and I'm getting nothing from her. I know she's busy. She works two jobs and has a boyfriend...humm...I don't know. I am working, too, and I have a boyfriend, too, and I can see where she'd be distracted....but I always try to take at least a few minutes to make sure my friends know I still love them. Maybe that is just the difference between her and I...or or signs or something. I don't know.
I bought a couch from goodwill. It is black with leopard print trim, really super cute. lol
Kip is trying to talk his friend Jeremy into moving in with Lindsey and us. If Jeremy says yes, then Kip will come, too. So it would be Lindsey, Jeremy, Kip and I, in a three bedroom house, with one bathroom. The funny thing is that Kip and I met because Lindsey and Jo were trying to set me up with Jeremy (Lindsey works with Jeremy and Jo), But Kip stepped and and Jeremy told him to go ahead and go for it...or me...or whatever.
...and it would be like we had a mini-commune of gamers. Kip is trying to set up a D&D game. It is completely dorky but fun. I think that Jeremy, Tim (another one of Kip's friends) and who knows who else will be playing and Kip will be running the campaign. I have two characters for the game. One is a Nasimir, this race that is half nymph and half evil tiger people (the race begins with an "r" but I don't know how to spell it off hand and I'm too lazy at the moment to look it up), named Kessa. The other is half Celestial (angel) and half human and her name is Marisol. I haven't got a chance to play either of them yet, but I've been drawing some fun pictures of them. Come to think of it Kip has already scanned them all into his computer. Maybe I'll put them up when I get back from work tonight...
I still have my job and I really like it. It is tiering and it hurts my back (and feet), but I'm making money and that makes me feel like a better person for it. I'm not making much, but it is better than nothing. They have given me the weirdest days off. I don't work Monday or Thursday. Angelica keeps telling me to let her know before I quit so she can go buy some fleece to make blankets for the girls, but I've already requested October 31st and November 1st off of work, so I'm planning on staying there for a long while.
Anything else...
I miss my cat, but I'll see her more when I (hopefully) move in with Lindsey. There is no way I'd move-move and leave her behind.
I still miss Angela. I tried to call her on her birthday, but her phone was disconnected. Not knowing what else to do, I just packaged up her present and sent her a little note with it telling her how much I missed her and that she needs to call me.
That seems to be it....for now at least...*le sigh*