OMG, The Vampire Diaries rules!!! Tonight's episode was amazing!!! I loved every part of it.
How funny was it that Bonnie trapped Elena in her house? I was laughing all the way through Damon's conversation with Stefan. Don't even get me started on Caroline and Tyler. Caroline was so sweet, staying with Tyler and trying to comfort him. When Tyler began to fully change and Caroline had to leave , I was yelling for her to run home. But she stayed in the forest until he reverted back to human form and than back to him. Awww, so sweet. And when she started crying, I felt like crying with her. OMG, Elena's deal with Elijah. What was she thinking? I get that she wants to keep the people she loves safe and that Elijah seems sincere, but she still shouldn't have made the deal. Speaking of the deal, I'm glad that Stefan got out of the tomb, but I felt so bad for Katherine. When she said to Stefan not to allow Elijah to leave her in there, and than he just leaves. The look on her face. I actually felt sorry for her and I don't even really like Katherine because, you know, she's evil. And Bonnie and Luca. I can't believe he tricked her, okay actually I can, but I really thought the spell was broken. I should have known better. Like the spell would have been that easy to lift. Anyway, that bastard, how could he do that? Although to be fair, he didn't exactly look happy about it. Jules, oh Jules, how I hate thee. Which is sad because I really liked her on One Tree Hill. But on TVD, I officially hate her. Which brings me to Rose. I was so scared for Damon when that werewolf appeared in the boarding house and then so sad when Rose got bitten. When she didn't die I was so thrilled, but then at the end of the episode, her shoulder was completely messed up. Nooo, I don't want her to die, especially in pain as I guess the werewolf bite kills slowly. I actually like Rose. Don't get me wrong I want DE together, but right now she's with Stefan and Damon desperately needs some love. Since he can't get it from Elena, I'm happy if he gets it from someone else, at least for now. Which is why I hope Rose doesn't die. That brings me to the promo for the new episode and the main reason I hate Jules so much. In the new extended promo, which is up on the CW website now, Damon tells Jules to tell him how to cure a werewolf bite and if she does he won't kill her. She tells him if he wants to cure Rose, he should put a stake through her heart. I hated her so much in that moment, especially at the look on Damon's face. There were other moments in the promo where she's being a real b****, but that was the main one.
If you haven't seen the extended promo for the new episode, you should go to the CW website and check it out. Its 1 minute long, Woo! That's my review on the winter finale episode. It was fabulous. I absolutely loved it. Just when I think TVD can't possibly get any more amazing, it does. The TVD writers are absolute geniuses.
Can't wait for the new episode in January. Episode 12 airs on January 27. That's only 7 weeks from today, which is 2 weeks less than last year's hiatus. We also got 11 episodes this winter, instead of last winter's 10 episodes. Sure its only 1 episode more than last year's, but its still something. Yep, I think I can manage to get through the hiatus, relatively well. What sucks is that pretty much all of my shows have now gone into hiatus, so that will definitely make things harder.
I am eagerly awaiting episode 12, it looks like its going to be amazing, as usual.