Update on Raja Kitty. GOOD NEWS! The largish distinct lump in his abdomen is nothing but fatty tissue. It is not a tumor. The vet said it's nothing to worry about, unless it turns hard or gets bigger, in which case bring him back in to get it checked out
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Comments 15
We haven't been able to have pets under any of our leases...one more reason to look forward to home-owning!...so we have to get our critter fixes through friends and family. I get along quite well with most animals, Keainid with only somewhat fewer of them, and Jamie is particularly excited by anything that has fur, but we will definitely be a kitty household, as all three of us are nuts about felines.
That sucks!! I know it's hard to find places that will take dogs, but I've never had a problem finding a place that takes cats -- I've lived in four places (all rental, two houses and two apartments) since I adopted Friendly, and all accepted cats. They just asked for an extra deposit, and in one case, made us pay $15 more per month per cat on the rent (which I thought was kinda ridiculous). Whereabouts do you live? Maybe it varies by region.
Does that mean he has a beer belly?
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