It's the fourth episode and the cracks are starting to show. The boys are flipping out as much as the girls, Zach is joining in on the scaring people, and Nikki has lost her damn mind if she thinks Samuel is more osom than Hannah.
It sounds like it's official- the new person is going to be Sue's nemesis. With that in mind, my Plotline entries will focus on how each person can fit into the show in that capacity. Have any ideas of your own? I would LURVE to hear them!
1.) Hannah (19, NC) = Zises
Facts: Hannah had a bit of a dramz moment about the dancing, but she pulled it the hell OFF. Felt sorry for her when Sam stole her rap schtick, but this is a competition, and she needs to give as good as she gets or she's screwed. In general, though, her enthusiasm and willingness to do what she's gotta do- even if it's HAAAAAAARD- will ensure she sticks around for a few more weeks. Loved during dance practice when she called Samuel and Cameron NINJAS and Zach told her to watch her space: She cracked wise, but she didn't get fazed, just kept truckin' and NAILED. IT. Gotta love that girl.
Plotline: WHY NO PLOT COMING TO MIND? WHY? Okay, maybe she was rejected from the Cheerios for her weight (or gained weight because of the rejection) and is on the warpath for Sue. Honestly, I really don't like even saying that- it would be nice if they didn't make her weight a thing, though they probably will.
Callback: YES
2.) Matheus (19, GA) = Artie
Facts: Matheus has this bad habit of being a little (sorry.) whiner. Everything is different and HARD and can someone please get him a bottle of water? And, just like in Theatricality he was more concerned about how he looked than anything else- CANNOT TALK BACK TO ZACH. It will bite you in the ass. For realz. Also, he really IS too boyband- Kevin McHale has that down better than he ever will (maybe because McHale WAS in a boy band). The striptease during his Bottom 3 performance was... ugh. So not "DOWN" with that (and did you catch it when he said to Nikki that he wasn't surprised he ended up "down here" as in the B3? FREUDIAN.). That said, he was clearly touched when Harry Shum praised his dance ability, which is good. Kid's got some humble, he just has a habit of flipping it too quick.
Plotline: Pint size horndog jock. Got nothin'.
Callback: PASS
3.) Marissa (19, NY) = Brittany
Facts: Marissa went for it and the extra booty pop session was hilarious. She mugged, she looked mildly embarrassed, but she went for it, and that's awesome. Her calm assessment of Alex being a tool during dance practice was a little... robotic and weird. Her dancing during Hey Soul Sister (the homework) was NOT good though- faux square dancing has no place here. NO. PLACE. Shame on you, musical theater kid. Darren Criss is embarrassed for you.
Plotline: No can haz thinky. Although if the rumours are true about being Sue's nemesis, I can see her being a Bad Seed daughter of Sue's latest paramour.
Callback: YES
4.) Damian (18, IRL) = Finn, but short. And Irish. And loves your sweet moonbeams.
Facts: Became epic. He was so thrilled when Zach called one of his moves genius, he got snarked at by Matheus and bounced back, he perved over Marissa (like any teenage boy and it was adorbs "Some of us are committing sins in our heads right now."), and as Zach said, "just became a whole new contender". When he said "Hann, Ryan Murphy would eat you up [if you were in the Bottom 3]" I think he meant it as a compliment.
Plotline: Love child of Sue and her IRA beau. Dot-Marie Jones suggested to Ryan Murphy that Damian be the exchange student Beiste takes in to stave off loneliness. Either works for me.
Callback: YES
5.) Lindsay (19, CA) = RACHEL S1 Quinn
Facts: Her attitude was way better this go 'round. Way. Apparently giving her a little scare last episode helped. She even said something nice to Hannah- or at least tried in her own special Lindsay way. That said, she snarked on Dot-Marie Jones for her critique and basically said that Harry Shum's opinion meant more- really? If you end up working with these people and they see that tape, you're diggin' a grave, girl. Her ability to stay in character during the shoot and the unrestrained dancing in the homework showed she's professional, even if she's not personable.
Plotline: Tried out for Cheerios and got rejected and is now out for blood. BLOOD.
6.) Alex (18, MA) = black Kurt
Facts: Alex was just awful this week. Zach put him in charge of everyone in dance rehearsal, which was fine- he helped folks polish up their dancing- but his attitude was just awful. He made out like he threw the homework challenge, but the fact is, he screwed up. (AWKWARD) Pirouettes and club kid facials? Really? He thought he was going to win with THAT? And his "I'm so bored" attitude about the dancing being so not a challenge was just unprofessional. And TELLING RYAN MURPHY that he (Alex) can't always be osom because he (Alex) needs to give other folks a chance to shine. RRRRRREALLY? Like Zach said, he's going for a job and he needs to put his ego on the backburner.
Plotline: I think he'd be a great nemesis for Sue, but I can't think about how that would work without spraining gray matter.
Callback: MEH
7.) Cameron (21, TX) = Finn
Facts: Cameron is awkward like a toddler with shoes on the wrong feet, but (and despite his constant bitching that HE IS THE MISUNDERSTOOD MAN) he's a good singer and has a certain lanky style and I can see Ryan Murphy being able to work with what Cameron's got. That said, next time he bumps into Damian some fangirl's gonna kneecap him (it was funny though, and well timed- "And I knew when we collided" *whack*).
Plotline: Nerd son of Sue's new love who sees right through Ms. Sylvester and goes BAD SEED on her ass.
Callback: easy ALTERNATE
8.) Samuel (19, CA) = Puck
Facts: Depending on how you look at things, Samuel was either a ski-douchebag for filching Hannah's schtick and not giving her credit when Nikki fawned on him for being OSOM, or a good competitor who saw a chance to get ahead by co-opting something useful. Your call. I can't decide- these kids are competitors, but they're also nominally friends. That said, he had a great moment during the group vid- the head toss to get that last braid out of the way and flip 'tude. It's like he choreographs his own hair. Awesome. Getting a wee bit tired of his MJ impressions when he dances. Maybe he'll figure out something new next week? Maybe?
Plotline: Hippie kid who follows Sue to her rallies and turns out to be her lovechild- the son of some guy she doinked at Woodstock.
Callback: YES
9.) McKynleigh (19, KY) = Mercedes
Facts: I called it. Girl was a blank slate and they couldn't find anything about her to get excited about. Fandom is crying, but really, as pretty and as talented as she is, this gal is just not a good fit for this show.
Plotline: Moot point.
Callback: CUT
Samuel was talking with someone in one of the extras about how the guys are more chill and the girls are all DRAMZ. This week, the boys were DRAMZ liek whoah- except for Damian. Cameron bitches behind the scenes alot about how he can't do stuff, and yet he's pulling it off. So over Matheus. His behavior, his constant "I can't" and "I didn't learn it this way" schtick is just annoying. Boys- SHAPE. UP.
I loved the group vid this week (aside from the DAMN AUTOTUNE) because MC Hammer just brings back so many great memories of brightly colored clothing, Hammer dancing, and high school angst. *sigh* Awesome.
BEST LINE EVER: (Zach to Matheus during the vid shoot) "Nuts over the 'T'." (The 'T' is the taped mark on the ground where M. needed to stand to be in the shot.)
Homework: Train's "Hey Soul Sister"
Guest Judge: Harry Shum Jr.
Group Number: MC Hammer "U Can't Touch This"
Bottom Three: Alex, Matheus, McKynleigh (C)
Episode VIP: Hannah: She really went for it and made it totally clear that she may not be the most skilled, the prettiest, or the most able, but that's not going to stop her from doing her best. Zach praised her for having a really great attitude and for bringing it in the group video.
Episode Villain: The person who decided to autotune the damn group video is more of a villain than Sore Loser Alex or Schtick Stealing Samuel.
Oh Harry Shum Jr., your assertion that MC Hammer's dance is like riding a horse while on fire is so adorable, and your promotion to New Directions cast regular has made Lindsay your total fangirl. BE. AFRAID.