Title: Family Fandom: Veronica Mars Pairing: Veronica/Lilly Prompt: 024 Family Rating: G Word Count: ~200 Notes: I wrote this back in April. It's for Nell because she expressed a want for fic. Just a little thing.
:Flails: OH MY GOD, Cayt, you MADE MY DAY!!! I was so depressed and you made me happy again. You are SO WONDERFUL BEYOND WORDS!!! :Giggles happily: Off to read!!!! :Bounces:
Oh my god, seriously, I can't stop grinning and literally taking my hands off the keys to flail! You are so sweet.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :Cries: ...In a good way. :Flails: I LOVE this! That is such a Veronica thing to think, and say, and it's so true too. Heeeee. Grinning again. Thank you so much Cayt. I love that Lilly was all Lillyness with her "shut up," and then was so sweet. :More grins: You're the best.
Comments 3
Oh my god, seriously, I can't stop grinning and literally taking my hands off the keys to flail! You are so sweet.
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