#100 Chicken Broccoli Alfredo I almost can't believe I've never made this before, but it's true. I looked at a bunch of recipes, most of which called for cream of mushroom soup, which wasn't what I was looking for at all. Finally I went with
this recipe for a non-egg alfredo and just fried up pounded pieces of chicken breast dredged in flour, salt and pepper, and steamed up the broccoli that was waiting in the rotter. I used four cloves of garlic, which was not too much, and added a bunch of cracked black pepper. It came out very nicely and was wicked easy, so I'll probably do it again.
And that's it for the 100 recipes. I'm thinking I may just keep going until the end of the year and see how far I get. With the holidays coming up, there's a lot of opportunity for experimentation on unwitting subjects guests. I've really enjoyed having this challenge to keep me trying new things, especially with veggies and baking.