May 06, 2008 18:06
I just got in a fight with someone over the meaning of the word "collate". He insisted that the 45 copies of a 20 page document were collated: "See? All the first pages are here, all the second pages are here? See?"
It got ugly. It involved a stare down. It ended with him saying "Yes, ma'am."
I'm not entirely sure I like being called "ma'am".
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Comments 5
That is fucking hilarious! How old is that oxygen thief? Please tell me he works FOR you.
Apparently he got pwned. I'm guessing the scenario was something like this:
Oxygen Theif: You would not believe what this crazy bitch said to me.
His Boss: ORLY? What?
OT: She told me that collate meant to put things in order, instead of separating out each part.
B: Um, that is what it means. You should know that. You work in a copy center.
OT: Nuh-uh!
B: Um, yeah. Really. I don't know why I pay your sorry ass.
OT: Oh shit. I was kind of an asshole to her.
B: You had better start groveling post-haste.
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