Dec 16, 2005 23:15

Notes on Lillith
Format lifted with love from nick_trift who lifted it with love from lil_idril

Hair: Dark, dark brown, almost black, straight (and nothing she can do about it, either) and down to her waist.
Height: 5'1", she is shortspace efficient.
Physique: Skinny and short, she's quite petite. She wishes she would grow, but alas, in the end she must buy heels.

Birthday: 15th of February
Age: Thirteen
Sign: Aquarius

Siblings: two sisters, one older, one younger.
Parents: still married
Background: Highly affluent Chinese family

Wand: 10 1/2" inches, Rowan, Asiatic Dragon Hearstring, springy, good for Divination and Transfiguration
Rowan: the almost conflicting make-up of the wand signifies Lillith's confused background and feelings.
Broom: Cleansweep 11
First Sign of Magic: Age of four. Didn't want to eat vegetables, and transfigured them into chocolate. As of yet, she has not been able to do this again.

Full Name: Lillith Chan (with TWO "l"s. TWO, people. TWO.)
Nicknames: Lil or Lily (if you are good, good friends with her), but she really is quite satisfied with her name.

Quidditch: Keeper for the Hufflepuff team
Tranfiguration: Lillith says this is fun enough to be a hobby ^_^
Cooking: Goes nuts over cooking and/or baking. Makes fantastic muggle-made crumpets and cream.
Drawing: doodles, doodles, doodles. Avoids getting in trouble for this.
Writing Letters to People and Never Sending Them

Career: Lillith isn't sure, but she thinks it would be awesome to open a magical bakery. Like really, really awesome.
Love: Has crush on Nick Trift. Barely perceptible, have-to-squint-to-see-it crush, but it still exists. She's good at hiding her feelings.

TWO ZODIACS. One western, one eastern. Screw that, my internet's being messed up. Just the western for now.

Aquarians who are sorted into House Hufflepuff are introverted, but not shy; march to the beat of a different drummer, but don't wear their weirdness like a flag; socially minded, but highly critical of society. Confused? So are the Hufflepuff Aquarians, but they tend to sort things out eventually. Their minds lean toward the practical side of things - they'd rather invent new and useful spells or gadgets than dwell for hours in hot air theory - and the solutions they find to common problems are brilliantly on target. They like people and want to get along well with everybody, but are uncomfortable with intimacy; so they have lots of acquaintances but few close friends. They have the ability to laugh at most any situation.

Aquarius is the eleventh house of the Zodiac and rules the circulatory system, shins, and ankles. Positive traits include brilliance, innovation, individuality, openness, social consciousness, inventiveness, practical skill, and self assertion; negative traits are eccentricity, lack of attachment to people and the "real world," over-intellectualizing of the emotions, a crotchety temper, rigidity, intellectual arrogance, and stubbornness.

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