Title: If I can't have you - Part 1 (Draco's POV)
Pairing: H/D
Rating: G (who reads G these days anyway?)
Warning: Unresolved angst
Summary: Stalking
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Continue to Part 2... Part 1 was plotted while walking down Ueno Park ~3 weeks ago. It was a horribly hot day. There were more people in the park than I wanted, but thankfully the sappy songs in my ipod kept me away from all the annoyance. I was walking in the shades under the trees, thinking about trees and shades, and how would they looked in ink. I am never outdoor-sy, but I do like doing sketches outdoor a lot. Trees are one of the many things I like to draw.
This was drawn partly for my love of Draco, and partly to satisfy my tree fetish.
Named after Zero 7's If I can't have you, which was the sappy song I put on repeat when I was at Ueno Park.