Thank-you's, and fanart

Jun 01, 2007 13:49

First of all, big thank yous to celandineb and 1miracle for the LJ gifts, kasche for the gorgeous art, jadis289 for yet another wonderful H/D art, and all of you who wished me happy birthday. Thank you very much ♥

I haven't been posting fanart for, wow, almost a month now. I also realize that I owe too many people art - I haven't forgotten. I'm working on them, one by one. Really.

Here I present you two sketches (done this morning at work *shhhhh*) - I forgot to bring watercolors with me today, so I had to make use of the left-over block of Ivory Black on my plate.

This one is for jadis289. Thank you very much for the wonderful watercolor art you sent me a while ago, and this one for my birthday. You're too awesome.

#1 Draco (or so I claim)

Medium: Watercolor on postcard Gazen paper.

And this one is for 1miracle. Thank you very much for the LJ gift. Again, I’m terribly sorry for the wait.

#2 Blanket (H/D, rated G)

Medium: Watercolor on postcard Gazen paper.

I have a couple more fanart to work on, but I'll try to do a few more quick sketches this weekend.

Although I'm neither a member nor a watcher, I'm so very glad to see that pornish_pixies is up again. Makes me want to draw pr0n, or semi-pr0n, just for the occasion. :-)

art: fanart, harry potter: harry/draco

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