hd_holidays reveal is up ♥ Thank you thank you thank you
furiosity for the spectacular fic
All Tomorrow's Parties. All my god I'm still madly in love with it. *loves*
And here's my gift to
Title: Left Unsaid
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Blaise/Pansy
Summary: War has brought them together, for a fleeting moment.
Rating: R for two bloody scenes
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): character death, possible major character death (depending on individual interpretation), blood in two scenes (pages 7 and 11, possible to skip if you click really fast), dark
Left Unsaid (opens up another window). Originally posted
A huge thanks to
calanthe_fics and
pushdragon for the last minute beta and your awesomeness. Without your help it wouldn't have been post-able. Also a sincere thank you to the mods of
hd_holidays for, well, basically everything. I'm looking forward to signing up for the 2009 round.
BTW, I was wondering if you could rec me some AU h/d stories? High degree of AU-ness is preferred, although I'd appreciate anything you'd rec to me. I just want to know what has/hasn't been done before. Thank you