Apr 21, 2008 21:59
[locked, but hackable; identity will remain completely anonymous though]
I... I can't believe it...
I'm helping her... and...
That poor boy. And that heart she has twisted around her finger...
I'm as much of a monster as she is...
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I... I can tell you something, though. Something about their power...
The mark. The Demon Seal. It... if you have one, there are two levels to it. Two "stages." The first one... all it does is let them have a hold on you. Your emotions get changed, and they can see into your mind...
But if you EVER... and I mean EVER... agree to them being your master, the Demon Seal reaches Stage 2... then you become their's, mind AND body. You're changed forever...
And if you're a Tamer... the first time you evolve your partner with the seal's power causes it to spread to the digimon. This is stage 3...
I'm not sealed... she thinks... she thinks it'd be too much of a giveaway...
The only way to make the Seal go away is... is to make them remove it... or to kill them...
If...if there is anything I can do for you...let me know...
Everything they say about us Demon Digimon is TRUE...
Back home...there was an Ogremon...he became a good friend and ally to us...and a BlackWarGreymon sacrificed himself to seal the digital gate...
Digimon type has nothing to do with what the digimon is on the inside...demon digimon usually act the way they do because people assume that's what they're like and they get the stigma in their head that that's how they have to act. 'Good' digimon are just as capable of great evil and deception...look at Goddramon and Omegamon...
You're not a monster, you just risked a great deal to help us. Noone so selfless could be called a 'demon'.
If I was so selfless, I wouldn't have done this to begin with...
There's someone whose example I want to follow...
I don't know what to think anymore...
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