(no subject)

Oct 14, 2004 01:03

[x] Full name: Stephanie Marie Stordahl
[x] Nicknames: Steph, Stephie, Tepie (but only my best friend calls me thouat so...yeah)
[x] Screen name: kinikisu
[x] Sex: female
[x] Birthday: 9/15/84
[x] Height: 5'3''
[x] Hair color: dark brown
[x] Is your hair long or short: medium really
[x] Eye color: brown but I am told they are green when I first wake up and when I cry
[x] City born in: Minneapolis, MN
[x] Location now: Parkland, WA
[x] Siblings: 3 Mark (17) Patrick (10) Meghan (5)
[x] Parents married/divorced: eh...well, my parents are divorced then my mom remarried and my step dad has really been my dad for the last 19 years so that's who I'm talking about when I talk about my dad in any positive way.

F e e l i n g s
[x] Worst Feeling in the world: lonliness
[x] Best feeling in the world: acceptance
[x] Can you define love? I'm far too illequipped to go on doing that sort of thing.
[x] Do you get along with your parents?: yeah
[x] Are you ticklish?: so much so you can tickle me from across the room.

F a v o r i t e s
1] Letter?: umm...j
2] Number?: um...654
3] Drink?: Pepsi
5] Animal?: pandas
6] Person?: you
7] CD?: Underneath
8] Car?: silver. But that's not a kind of car. IT's a Chevy Celebrity
9] Ice cream flavor?: birthday cake! It's cakebatter, brownies and spinkles.
10] Day of the week?: Saturday
11] Soda/Juice?: Pepsi
12] Boys/Girls?: oh, I like boys. A lot more than I really should. They are just so CUTE!
13] Love/Hate?: love
14] Sex/Cuddling?: well, I may not know what I"m missing but I'm definatly a cuddling fan
15] Pepsi/Coke?: Pespi. NOtice a theme?
16] Friday/Saturday?: Saturday
17] Shoes/Sandals?: shoes
18] Hugs/Kisses?: they both have their perks. I like hugs A LOT but I like kissing A LOT too
19] Punk/Goth?: punk. DOn't get me wrong Im' not punk I just like it better than goth. Seems less sad. okay....
20] Cartoons/News?: cartoons.
21] Would you get into a fight for your friends?: yes
23] Ever gotten into a fight with your friends?: yes
24] What did you fight about?: probably something stupid
25] Worst thing you've ever done to them?: ^
26] Worst thing they've ever done to you?: ^
27] Do you love your friends?: yes
28] Do they love you?: um, I hope so
29] Done anything you regret doing with them?: no it's always worth it no matter how much trouble we get in afterwards
30] Do you fight a lot?: no
31] Have you ever been in love?: yes
33] Do you still love them?: yes. I mean, real love doesn't just go away
34] Are you together right now?: no...
35] Do you miss them?: not so much. I'm not pining for them in the slightest
36] Do you regret them?: no. I learn from all my relationships good and bad alike.
37] If you could hold them right now would you: no
38] If you could kiss them right now would you: no
39] If you could start all over would you?: maybe...
40] If you had a choice of meeting them for the first time again, would you turn away or introduce yourself?: I'd still introduce myself. I might go about it differently knowing the outcome.
41] Most romantic thing: daisies in brown paper *sigh*, serenade, anything that's a little surprise or just completely random and cute.
42] Have you ever had the tingly feeling inside your tummy for someone?: yes
45] Who is usually the first to tell someone they like them: you or the other person?: me
46] If you could be with someone right now who would it be?: you
47] Do you base your attraction upon personality?: absolutely. No one is attractive if they're a brick.
48] Have you ever been cheated on?: by a guy? Well, I really hope not!
49] Have you ever cheated?: definately not.

B o y s + G i r l s
50] Favorite thing about the opposite sex?: they're just so cute
51] Least favorite thing about the opposite sex?: they can be mean and not even know it
52] When you first see someone what is the first thing you notice?: smile, teeth, self confidence
53] What is your favorite feature about the opposite sex's appearance?: smile
54] Do you prefer cute or hot?: cute
55] Do you have a Bf/Gf?: nope
56] One thing you dislike about them?: about boys? that they can be mean and not even know it.
57] One thing you love about them?: little things they do
58] Boys are: awesome
59] Girls are: awesome

L a s t...
60] Fight you were in?: um...dunno
61] Person you yelled at?: myself this morning. oh gosh....
62] Thing you touched?: my keyboard. And before that my bmouse and before that my hair
63] Person you IM-ed?: Josiah
64] Person that IM-ed you?: Josiah
65] Word you said?: um..."duh" in regards to the last thing yo touched question. Then maybe a l ittle bit of laughing
66] Time you smiled?: talking to Josiah
67] Person that smiled at you?: Paul
68] Laughed?: Talking to Josiah or maybe Ryan...not sure
69] Cried?: oh, gall...church last Saturday I guess? I was being a baby!

C r u s h i n '
[x] Pre-school: no idea...
[x] Kindergarten: ^
[x] 1st Grade: ^
[x] 2nd Grade: ^
[x] 3rd Grade: Caleb
[x] 4th Grade: ?
[x] 5th Grade: Daniel
[x] 6th Grade: Kyle
[x] 7th Grade: Matt and Kyle
[x] 8th Grade: Josh
[x] 9th Grade: Josh
[x] 10th Grade: Daniel
[x] 11th Grade: Daniel and Kelly
[x] 12th Grade: Kelly, Mark, Danieil oh, that was a fun year haha
[x] Boy/Girlfriend status: single!

O t h e r
[x] Do you have a job: yup
[x] What are you scared of: mean people, ghosts (no really!)
[x] Who's your role model: my mom
[x] Most interesting thing you did this past summer: hmm...anything when working with kids is interesting I'll jsut say
[x] Have you ever done any drugs: except Pepsi and a little alcohol
[x] Do you collect anything: pillows apparently and paper work! people like to give me papers a
[x] Are you a ditz: what?...oh...yeah I mean I guess

N i g h t T i m e
[x] What do you wear to bed: pajama pants and a tshirt
[x] What's your bed time: when i get mad at myself for still being awake
[x] Do you wish on stars: when I feel romantic
[x] Is there a TV in your room: yes, but my room is my whole house
[x] What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: pray

M i s c e l l a n e o u s
[x] How many schools have you been to: 7
[x] Are you passive or aggressive: passive
[x] Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
[x] Would you rather be hot or cold: cold
[x] What is your curfew: whenever I want.
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