Mrr... till I get my Nocturnal Opera (*wants to scan the cover/poster and make it into a layout*), I'm using an old-ish picture of Mana for my new layout o.o.. by old-ish I mean.. over a few months old XD
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Thank you glasstragedy (forgot how to link to another person ><) for sending me Nocturnal Opera.. But my worst fears were comfirmed.. AIM hates me T__T about half the files I get over AIM end up.. not.. working.. like i go to unzip and it says there is nothing to unzip >_o; Ima restart my computer and hope that works.. if not I'll just go and lay
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*sigh* my RO runs out like in 4 to 14 hours u.u;..
even if it wasn't.. I doubt I'd feel like playing.. kinda bores me I guess eh.. really bored right now.. I wanna draw, but I dont have anything to draw >_<;.. maybe I should go to sleep? or walk dad.. or play FFTA.. or FF8/9/X-2 o_O;.. or.. FF7 XD.. eck.. cant play 7.. I want to cause everyone
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