Dec 13, 2010 23:36

ohhh wow, LJ, how estranged we've become (I don't mean the users, I mean the actual site).

Yes I still read my Flist everyday to check on my friends, but we have a loveless marriage

where I never write sweet posts on you anymore. Well... maybe if you were more like

Twitter and liked quickies.... but no, I always feel so awkward on you, LJ, because I feel

like I need to have something to say to post. Sure enough, all my past posts are usually

dramatic and upsetting, but I guess I just suck at updating a blog normally. I'm not even

interesting enough to post about how average my life is or how fucked it is. Still, even

if we grow apart, dear LJ, I won't abandon you quite yet. For, after all, I still have

need to spaz. ....Like right now....
Well, it's no surprise to anyone that the flight across the pacific is a horrible one.

Anyone who's spent ANY time on a plane and/or has suffered from extremely painful insomnia

will understand. Some people even have all of the above and more expereince at it than I

do. That doesn't make me feel any less like running out onto the tarmac this instant and

trying to get run over by a plane. ...come on, it would be a little funny to watch, right?
anywayzzzzzz nothing special, I'm just dying. The initial flight wasn't actually so bad.

It was only 9 hours into Washington state, during which I didn't slee

sp, but did eat and lived to regret it. I didn't feel the supremely painful

torture until I started to go through customs. Mind you, I booked a flight with only ONE

layover, and then the company slyly slipped in another by calling it a stop over. No, no,

they are the same thing my dear. They kept the same flight number and company, but I had

to clear customs and go to the opposite end of the airport all within an hour -_-. SUCK.

As I got on the weird two-hour flight from seattle to denver, it really hit me. I wanted

to sleep or die and nothing else would be okay. The air was dry and I was dehydrated so my

nose started bleeding a little, but the blood dried before it was noticable. gross.
I fell DEAD asleep for an hour during that flight but was woken up when someone leaned

their seat back really hard on my head. I was in that zombie sleep where you can't

actually move your limbs but you can kinda notice things around you. Long story short, I

drooled on everything, and not in the way to express wanting it.
Now I'm writing this extremely miserable blog post... and I don't quite remember where I

am. I think.... Denver? Yeah, I guess so because I'm not in philly and I'm not in

Washington, but I think I'm more convinced I'm in hell. My nose is still semi-bleeding, I

have barely eaten because my stomach is threatening me. I have two more hours until I

board this wretched flight that's god knows HOW long because I can't seem to keep track

through changing time zones. All I know is that my body thinks it's 8am and I am in pain.
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