So my PSP has been seeing a lot of love this last month. Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology, while thin in story, is so addicting. Its battle system is based on ToTA, but with dumber AI. xD; I've already beat it on Normal, just now starting on Hard. :3
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Comments 4
I'm still irritated on Sony's "No 2D Games" policy, as I would have really liked some good 2D RPGs to hit the states. Alas, I guess I'll just have to settle for Growlanser 5 when it hits the US.
It's quite unfortunate that they don't translate and release the PC RPGs from Japan. Some of them look really nice, and they have the whole console game feel to it too.
Anywho, I would probably still wait on the GC/Wii just so I could get a Wii when better games came out :p But if you wanna play ToS now... consider if you're going to "get a Wii regardless if you got the GC."
I don't think the PS2 will decline in games till mid/late '08. I think. :x Who knows.
I'm irritated as well about that policy. ;-; I wants the other tales games.. Ohh I pre ordered Growlanser 5 last week. Since its like super limited edition. xD;
I want to play ToS now, but I can wait. Maybe till November? I know Fire Emblem for Wii is coming out soon-ish, like in November.. so I may wait till its released to get a Wii. :3
I think, next year, if we're going, me and a group of friends are going to try and Cosplay Tales of the World. There's a variety of characters so it would be a good group cosplay. I'm hoping we will.
Mmm get whichever you want. If you like a lot of GCN games and not so many Wii games, I'd go with that. But if you intend to play both, I'd go with the Wii. Plus you can download older games, so if you were missing a game like... the original Mario, you can download it. *Nod* It's really up to you.
I'd love to cosplay as a Tales character. Arche or Kanono.. or Anise +_+ *cough* If you do, take pictures~ I'll wannna see.
As for GC games, there were only 2 games I wanted to play for it. ToS (which I just got~) and Fire Emblem. I'll probably just end up with a Wii, but probably not till November or December.. when a few of the Wii RPGs come out~ :3
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