The Devil's been busy in your backyard.

Jun 27, 2007 08:18

Ann Coulter does it again.

It's no secret to anyone who's read my blog or knows me in real life that I can't stand Ann Coulter: It's my opinion that she's hell spawn and bat shit crazy. She's reached new lows on Monday during her appearance on MSNBC's Hardball when taking a call from Elizabeth Edwards.

So, I wanted to see just how much of this verbal sparring between Coulter and Edwards was based in truth. Oh really Ms. Coulter, you've really let some whoppers fall out of that hole, as recently as 6/25/07. You've insulted veterans and your own gender. Is there anyone who hasn't been the target? Fact is, it doesn't matter if it was three years, or three minutes ago: Elizabeth Edwards is correct when she said there's a years-long pattern of venomous spinning, and outright lies. "Brilliant brain" indeed.

So, while reading about Ms. Coulter, I came across an article about Guillani.

In this article it lays out how he claims Clinton didn't deal harshly enough with the first round attack on the Trades in '93. I've seen forms of this accusation bandied about before. Acccusations that felt distorted somehow, but I wasn't able to put my finger on it. Until today.

Clinton was in office for just 37 days in '93 when the first bombing happened. Say it with me, "Thirty seven days."

Under the Clinton administration, all the suspects were found, tried, sentenced and sent off to jail.

Compare and contrast that with the current administration's "War on Terror." No, scratch that. Compare and contrast that with Bush the 41st's handling of terrorists, a former Director of the CIA no less. It's claimed that the FBI had prior knowledge of the first attempt at leveling the Trades as early as February of 1992 - a full year before the event happened. The Elder Bush did nothing. Junior, the prodigal son, also chose to not to act when given information about a second attempt. Like Father like son, the rotten fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

Hundreds of thousands of people have paid with limb, life and liberty because both Bushes chose to ignore the dead elephant laying on the floor of Oval Office. Daddy must be so proud that Junior has followed in his footsteps.

And yet, Guillani tries to pin the blame on the Clinton administration.

And while we're on the subject of politricks, a bit of teh humor.

Chatting with my friend B yesterday was a bit more entertaining than I'd expected, considering how his day had started. This hubbub about whether Cheney is actually part of the Executive Branch, is to me at least, not at all surprising. I said something to the effect of "as I remember The Constitution..." and B responded with "Yes. If you read it forward. But if you read it backwards, it's in there."
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