Title: The Box
Characters: Spike
Word Count: 1x200, 1x100
Warning: Character Death
Prompt: #21 Trap
Rating: PG
Summary: What if it had ended differently?
Disclaimer: Don't own anything and blablabla...
Betas: The wonderful
paranoid_woman Author's notes: written for
flashpoint_sru on LJ. They are two version of the same story, a long one and a short one. It didn’t feel the same way when I was reading it so I decided to publish both versions.
Long version
A box. A simple wooden box.
All he could do was watch it disappear, vanish.
All he could feel was the emptiness of his life and of his heart.
His best friend. Unforgettable.
He should have seen this coming. But he hadn’t.
He should have felt that something was wrong. But he hadn’t.
The heat. Unbreathable.
All he could feel was the burning sensation of the explosion.
All he could do was heal and forget what happened because of him.
The guilt. Unforgivable.
He should have known it was a trap prepared by this hunted terrorist. But he hadn’t.
He should have been the one entering first in the building. But he hadn’t.
The sun. Unattainable.
All he could notice was that the sky was meant to cry with him.
All he could see was the blinding light through the unshed tears threatening to fall.
The grief. Unbearable.
He was supposed to trust that it wasn’t his fault like he has been told. But he couldn’t.
He was supposed to watch his best friend’s wooden coffin buried underground. But he couldn’t.
Spike knew it should have been him in that grave. Not his brother. Not his best friend. Not Lewis.
Short version
A box. A simple wooden box.
All he could do was watch it disappear, vanish.
All he could feel was emptiness.
His best friend.
He should have seen this coming. But he hadn’t.
He should have felt that something was wrong. But he hadn’t.
The heat.
All he could feel was the burns.
All he could do was heal and forget what happened.
The guilt.
He had to trust that it wasn’t his fault like he has been told. But he couldn’t.
He had to watch his best friend’s wooden coffin buried underground. But he couldn’t.
Spike knew it should have been him.