Title: Of Prince and Damsel in Distress
Author: lillyg
Characters/Pairings: Sam, mention of Jules
Word Count: 100
Prompt: #72 Ivory Tower
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Corny as hell!
Summary: Princesses don’t always want to be saved.
Disclaimer: Me no own!
mneme2434 Note: Written for
flashpoint_sru Sam wishes that he could always keep an eye on Jules. Protect her during interventions. He can’t stand to see her suffer or lose her smile. And those things have happened way too often.
He knows she wants to look tough in order to keep up with the guys, and she’s so stubborn.
Sometimes he dreams that she's a damsel in distress and he’s the Prince. Even if he sounds corny as hell. He wishes sometimes that he could lock her up in an ivory tower and protect her forever.
Unfortunately the damsel in distress could kick his ass. Hard.