I am totally SGA's bitch and I'm not even playing. I have a new love in my life, it is official. I am going steady with Stargate Atlantis. I love love love the snarkiness that is Rodney McKay. And why do I find his pale skin and little belly chub attractive...because he is freakin' HILARIOUS. And Sheppard, um, you of the spiky hair and the snark and the sarcasm and the obvious chemistry with McKay. I'd like a double order please. And hot new guy, Ronin (sp?), you are one lean mean mutha and I really want to play with those dread locks and totally you are gonna get something goin' with that Tayla (sp?) chick. Mitch Pileggi - even though you are playing such a jackass and aren't wearing your glasses, I still <3 you! According to Netflix, Pilot episode of Season One is supposed to get here today so I can start trying to get caught up.
Managed to write two new Lost stories this week, a J/S and a S/S. I still have another S/S for the Hidden Connections ficathon, but it's started and I know where it's going. YAY ME. Plus much squeeage for the Punky Reggae Party
info and signup heregoing on over at
lostsquee. Tomorrow is my day to be queen! Virtual booze and cabana boys all around. It shall be a day of pic spam and all things Sayid (love him, hate him, make fun of him, just post about him!)And all the wonderful new Lostfic out there, I'm going to read you this weekend and comment because OMG there's new stuff by all my fav authors!
I may have to rewatch Season 1 every single week to undo the BadWrongness Season 4 has in store, but I'm sticking it out. The D/M shall overcome all obstacles. And Viv, I love you, please be back in full force for the next season. Oh, and D/M, I haven't forgotten you. I am determined to finish up Perceptions this weekend, and then hope to put another installment of Collide up middle of next week. And that PWP UST sauna story, it's coming. I've just got to put it down on paper.