I really want that apartment. It's looking promising so we'll see. I should hear next week! This may be dumb but I knwo I'm totally going to be scared to sleep there alone the first night. Eep!
So have any of you ever had your dog vaccinated for rabies and then they had an adverse reaction? Blue's due for his shot today and I'm not sure if I should just get the shot or have him tested for the anti bodies...
omg i thought they were going to tie it again! BUT THEY DID NOT!
Whoohoo!! Yay red wings!!!
and no I dont watch sports but did watch the last two minutes. actual two minutes not game two minutes which really lasts an hour and I just learned that a few weeks ago. My point? I still love the red wings!!!
Today was fantastic! I had polish food and went on the tilt a whirl three times!!! The tilt a whirl makes me giddy. I never laugh harder than when I'm on the tilt a whirl. Thats all.