ha came over arond 5ish n we went to the bay area to visit her friend tuan from texas. i get directions from tuan but he gave me the wrong city. he gave me newark instead of hayward but it was ok but we found our way. called up michelle to see if she was workin. since she didnt pick up her cell, i guess she was workin at old navy.
hehe cought her on surpise
my workin girl. look at her w/ her name tag n walkie talkie.now that ur loadin u can take me to eat right>
n here's just us
ugh we fuckin matchin. andrew y didn't u wear another color?! we look like freakin brothers n sister. ate at his resturant. i love ur mango puddin. mmmm mango. sorrie for that lil problem.
sorrie for the big pic. too laxy to resize it now. went to golf land after the resturant. didnt stay der for long. didnt feel much like playin thing. said bai to tuan n went off to home.
here is my cousin from canda. we are total opposites. but i still wub her. we're family ^-^