abortion?: if you dont want it. get rid of it. its your choice you made it. your fault for being the fuckin idiot that would want a damn baby!...WHAT? ITS BETTER THAN SHAKING BABYS! ABORTION! ROCK! (no sarcasim
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im bored and waiting for raka to drop clothes off for me tonight im going to that gay guys club tonight in chi! cross your fingers that i meet a gay man that will become my best friend!:) aww soo cute.. haha look!
so the dogs got out on sunday morning around 8am. maggie was found by 10 pm at dales work! haha odd i know. i guess they really were lookin for dad. lamby was found yesterday afternoon after schoolish, by the tracks by my house. he got ran over by a train! he was so wierd looking that it was cute. he was extremly unique, unlike anyother dog. no
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you know how you always HEAR ghost stories? sometimes they freak you out, sometimes they dont. sometimes youll sit there wiht every light on in the house, other times youll go to the poltergiest and try to find out whats going on. i always belived enough to know they are there but not enough to think they were really around me or that they really
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ok today has been a good day!cept i missed the fightbut i know ill hear alll about it!! haha after school was awesome BUT WHERE IS MY MOM...IS MOM DEAD? DID SOMETHING BREAK!?? haha speaking of that..haha a little recap on tayler!!!!! yah my best friend of 17 years..she gets this brillant pirate plan..that shes gunna off me..so i say no that im
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im in the production lab again and its lunch time now but do i go? haha no! why would i! oh geez i probably should so i dont get introuble but ohwell i will write..last night was coffie with garrte tay kim matt stapler(?) and foreman haha ..oh god that donkey was sooo funny and that other boy that wasnt with us but now thinks im obsessed with him..
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