incase you wanna laugh i guess
Top Ten Signs You Have A Bad Job
10. "It's a 12-hour commute each way"
9. "You know the guy who refills the ketchup bottles in the prison cafeteria? You're his assistant"
8. "You're Courtney Love's Publicist"
7. "For insurance purposes, Boss personally administers a daily physical"
6. "Sign outside your door reads, 'Jim's Office/Men's Room'"
5. "You're taken to and from work in the trunk of a car, blindfolded"
4. "Word 'throb' appears with surprising frequency in job application"
3. "You're working on Labor Day"
2. "Your name is George W. Bush (I'm Sorry, that's a sign you're doing a bad job)"
1. "You're the idiot who has to change the gas prices on the sign every 5 minutes"
Top Ten Signs You've Chosen the Wrong College
10. "First ten students are offered jobs as professors"
9. "Latin motto translates to 'I can't believe it's not butter'"
8. "'Kollege'" is spelled with a 'K'"
7. "All that's in library: paperback anthologies of 'Garfield'"
6. "The Dean's List salutes students who've slept with the dean"
5. "All buildings covered with ivy...on the inside"
4. "You're constantly being acosted by Al Qaeda recruiters"
3. "'Philosophy' lectures are based on that day's Jerry Springer Final Thought"
2. "Most notable alumnus? Fema director Michael Brown"
1. "You ask about the college endowment ...and the admissions officer drops his pants"