i am sorry i should no better... but take what i said abotu being happy and with a girl who likes me, and reword that to the girl is freaking out, is panicked and now saying she does not think she can do this right now until she gets things in her head figured out... i am torn i am trying i am so TRYING to not run away and to be there and work
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Comments 2
I know you want to be there for her and are at least somewhat hoping that things will work out, but don't forget that you have to take care of yourself as well. That's not a place you want to go back to.
(Also, Don Paige, an old family friend, died last week.. hence the lack of calling and meeting up. I'm starting to sense a trend in my travels up there..)
it is ok you were unable I understand. Life has been insane for me as well, by the time I had time to call you it was usually on my way somewhere and I did not know when I would be home...
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