Final thoughts

Jun 07, 2007 16:05

Well...this sick baby has made it impossible for me to keep up with pumping, as she won't let me put her down. It's fine, I suppose, but before I forget everything I need to say to myself, I needed to write it here, one last time ( Read more... )

breastfeeding, pumping

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Comments 12

alirose June 7 2007, 20:40:02 UTC
*hugs* That sounds like a rough road. A friend of mine went through a very similar experience and had to give up bf-ing at 4 months. It sucks, and I'm sorry you had to go through it.


lilpix33 June 7 2007, 20:49:52 UTC
Thanks. It's not easy, but now that I'm done venting, I feel better. Lilia's a happy, healthy baby, and that's the important part. I'll do better with my next baby.


queenof911 June 7 2007, 20:55:02 UTC
I'm sorry, I was like you with my first one, determined to breastfeed, so excited to do it, have the bond with her. I read the books listened to peoples advice about how great it is and when I had Lex, same thing, I didn't get the chance to feed her till like 2 hrs after she was here and she never caught on to the latching on part ( ... )


lilpix33 June 7 2007, 21:05:35 UTC
I want a second one just to try again, lol. Even though I'm scared of failing again.

Thanks to the girls on breastfeeding, I found a place to buy domperidone. That REALLY helped in pumping. Seriously, I've been pumping every 4 hours (for the most part) and I got at least 4 oz, sometimes more. If I were only getting an ounce or two, I would've stopped a long time ago.

I hope you're able to breastfeed this one!!


queenof911 June 7 2007, 21:55:15 UTC
Oh enjoy the one you have before going for the 2nd one.

Domperidone? Is that over the counter or prescribed? I have heard things on more then one occassion, but my doctor never mentioned it to me when I talked to her about not expressing very much.


lilpix33 June 7 2007, 22:43:29 UTC
Yeah, I plan on it. My SIL has a 2 1/2 year old and a 14 month old. Insane!! I'll wait until Lilia is 3 or 4 before considering making her a big sister.

Info on Domperidone. You can't get it in the States, I ordered mine from a place in New Zealand. My LC actually recommended it. It's really a last resort thing.

Dr. Sears' site is really good and has a lot of info on breastfeeding. I wish I had followed a lot of his advice earlier.


muirichinnahali June 7 2007, 20:58:39 UTC
i just wanted you to know that i read this.

and as much of a lactivist as i am, there's no reason for anyone to get angry or upset AT you for speaking your feelings in your journal. life is a learning experience, just take what you can from this and when it's time, take the opportunity to use it in the future. next time you will have a better understanding and knowledge base right from the start. :)


lilpix33 June 7 2007, 21:10:49 UTC

I really am walking away from this with a lot of knowledge under my belt. I hope that I can use it to get a better experience next time.

I think Buffalo needs more lactation consultants with the knowledge you have. You'd make a good lactation consultant.


stellardreams81 June 7 2007, 21:22:17 UTC
I can understand how you feel. I had problems with breastfeeding from day one, the lactation consultant didn't do me any good. I breastfed for four months exclusively even though every time she was on my left breast I was in agony. Finally at about 5 months I gave up on the left breast and started supplementing with formula. She's seven months now and gets mostly formula, I breastfeed through the night and once or twice during the day. I know what I did was right for us because I was starting to feel hostile whenever she was on my left breast. Now I am a much better mom because I don't have those feelings. I didn't try nearly as hard as you did and I don't feel guilty. It's about what's right for you and your baby!


lilpix33 June 7 2007, 22:46:15 UTC
Yeah, that was another reason I stopped. It would lead to tears and anger when she would start screaming at the breast. I eventually just had to say that this wasn't making her happy, and hence, it wasn't the best for her. Stopping made me a better mom too.

I wouldn't mind if I could breastfeed her but still had to supplement. She just developed that nipple preference and it seemed like there was no turning back.


taylors_scar June 8 2007, 02:30:02 UTC
I understand. I didn't even breastfeed, but obviously I was not up for the challenge. I think what you've done is wonderful.


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