Title: Out and About
Rating: PG
Summary: Young Avengers
Pairing: Billy/Teddy
Word Count: 485
Summary: Teddy doesn't care what anyone thinks, except when he does.
So Teddy is nervous. That's usually Billy's job, but he's been worrying a hangnail for the past ten minutes and it's actually bleeding instead of healing at this point.
It's not like he cares what Greg thinks, he tells himself. Because he doesn't, because Greg is a jerk and according to Mrs. Kaplan Teddy has worked through his self-esteem issues and become self-actualized. Whatever that means.
So, he doesn't care and he's not worried, except his hangnail is bleeding and he can't find anything to wipe it on so he's sucking on his thumb instead of actually walking back out of the bathroom to the restaurant, where Billy is no doubt waiting impatiently. They were playing footsie. Teddy would like to get back to that.
It's just that there's an entire table of people who used to be his friends, and they're all throwing food and being loud and rude at the waitress and they'll see him, on a date, with Billy.
And Teddy isn't ashamed of Billy -- couldn't ever be ashamed of Billy -- but he is the kind of guy that Greg likes to shove in lockers and down toilets, and he is on a date with Teddy. So they're going to wind up harassed unless they leave right now, unnoticed by the team and without finishing their meal.
Blend in. Be normal. Don't attract attention. Make everyone like you.
These are the coping skills passed from Skrull mother to half-Skrull son. Teddy wants to run. Teddy needs to run. Teddy can't, because it will hurt Billy, and Teddy can't hurt Billy on purpose.
He peaks his head outside the door, and sure enough Billy frowns at him and raises one eyebrow. Teddy frowns and ducks back inside, nearly hyperventilating because he's pretty sure Polkiss saw him and is now spreading the information around to everyone else and they are going to be caught.
Breathe, Altman. Breathe, he tells himself, and stands up straight to look in the mirror. He is a superhero. He has the best boyfriend in the universe. He is on a date, and enjoying himself, and he has every right to be here.
He does not care what they think. Squaring his shoulders, Teddy turns and marches back to their table, grabs Billy, and kisses him soundly. There's a faint murmur of surprise behind them, but Billy is too busy looking really confused to notice it much. Teddy can't help but.
"What was that about?" his boyfriend hisses.
"Just. Wanted to show you off." Teddy finds himself blushing, and sitting down awkwardly.
And, much to Teddy's surprise, everyone at the other table goes back to eating. The world doesn't end, no one calls them out on it, nobody really seems to care.
"Nevermind." Teddy's foot creeps over to Billy's, which wipes the confused expression off his face and replaces it with a goopy happy one instead.