Title: A Meeting of the Minds
Rating: G
Fandom: Young Avengers / New Avengers
Notes: The beginning of the universe that
Trickle is set in.
Warnings: Rich people talking.
Summery: Kate Bishop and Tony Stark come to an arrangement.
Kate felt judged. Their ‘clubhouse’ was in disarray - thanks to Tommy - and it hadn’t been Avengers’ Mansion to start with. Now Tony Stark stood in the middle of the mess and looked as though he was trying not to touch anything, including the floor.
“It’s -“ He began, but Kate interrupted him smoothly.
“A work in progress.”
“You can only embezzle your father’s money so fast, right?” Kate grinned, a little smugly. Stark managed not to, but his eyes twinkled and the corner of his lips twitched up.
“Exactly. Anyway, with Tommy living here, there’s no hope for it,” She added, gesturing around at the aftermath of one of Tommy’s whirlwinds. Stark looked over his dark sunglasses at her and crossed his arms.
“He’s living here?”
“He’s escaped from mutant juvee. Where else do you want him to go?” Kate snapped, stepping into Stark’s personal space and jutting her chin forward with an expression that dared him to do better. She had had just about enough of his condescension, especially when he had no business here. Stark had shown up uninvited and unannounced, just to look around like he disapproved of the clubhouse. Which he did, Kate knew, but that wasn’t the point. Kate wasn’t sure what the point was.
Stark frowned and Kate could see spider-web s of worry across his brow. He actually looked concnerned, and his tone was kind when he said, “Stark Tower’s open to the Young Avengers. There are plently of extra bedrooms, a training space… Spider-man’s X-box…”
He sounded like he was trying to bribe her. Kate suspected he was.
“Are you asking Tommy to move in, or the Young Avengers?” asked Kate, stepping back as her expression went from confident to unsure.
“Both. I thought about what you said. What happened with the Kree and Skrulls was my fault, and I - we - want to fix that.”
Kate Bishop learned poker face at the knee of her father, millionaire business tycoon. Hers stayed straight, despite the gasps and loud crash she heard from the back room where the others were hanging out.
“The team - The Avengers - has agreed to help train you. If you’ll --” he coughed - “have us.”
She couldn’t help it, now; Kate’s mouth split into a wide grin and one of the boys let out a whoop of joy as they poured into the room behind her.
“I think,” she said, when she recovered her voice, “That something could be arranged.”