Nervous Habits? - biting my nails/lip, talking uncontrollably, uhh tripping
Are you double jointed? - indeed!
Can you roll your tongue? - yea
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? -yes i can
Can you blow spit bubbles? - yes i can
Can you cross your eyes? - indeed
Tattoos? - nah
Piercings and where? - ears
Which shoe goes on first? - who pays attention?
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: yes, yes i have
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: ehh idk i usually have a few bucks lying around somewhere in my knapsack
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: uhh nothing except my lucky band bracelet
Favorite piece of clothing? - we'll go with my new jeans on account of their extreme comfiness (sp?)
-- FOOD --
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - twirl
Have you ever eaten Spam? - ha yea
Favorite ice cream flavor? - cake batter from coldstone or cheesecake flavored
How many cereals in your cabinet?: oh so many
What's your favourite beverage?: english toffee cap from tim hortons
What's your favorite restaurant?: anything italian
Do you cook?: sure
How often do you brush your teeth? everyday i believe
Hair drying method?: ehh air dry on account of im too lazy to blow dry it
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: nope and im not planning on it
Do you swear?: umm yes
Do you ever spit?: not really no
Do you swear in front of your parents?: ha no
Ever been arrested for indecent exposure?: umm i dont believe so
The CD player?: the thrills
Person you talk most on the phone with?: tiff
Ever taken a cab?: no, but ive rode the s ubway many times..ehh that doesnt count
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?- no, it only brings dissapointment
What color is your bedroom?- yellow and pink
Do you use an alarm clock?: i try
Window seat or aisle?: window most def
What's your sleeping position?- well lately it has to be on my back bc of my brace thingy
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?- idk
Do you snore?- probly
Do you sleepwalk?- maybe, but ive never been caught doing it if so
Do you talk in your sleep?- lol yes
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? um yes, and my blankey too
How about with the light on?- sometimes
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?- depends, but i most usually listen to music while falling asleep
-- DO YOU --
Smoke?: no!
Do drugs?: nah
Read the newspaper?: occasionally
Pray?: yep
Go to church?: as much as i can
Talk to strangers who IM you?: idk
Take walks in the rain?: yes
Like to drive fast?: hmm license?
Liked your voice?: i sound funny
Hurt yourself?: not intentionally
Been out of the country?: uhh canada.
Eaten something that made other people sick?: hah yea
Been in love?: idk
Done drugs?: nope
Gone skinny dipping?: haaha :)
Medical emergency?: indeed. stiches and some other crap
Had surgery?: yep
Gotten beaten up?: ehh brohters dont count, so no
Beaten someone up?: not so much
Been picked on?: who hasnt?
Been on stage? a bunch of times
Slept outdoors?: of course
Pulled an all nighter?: many times
If yes, what is your record?: i went like three days w/out sleep last summer. i was a little kranky
Gone one day without food?: r u kidding? no
Talked on the phone all night?: indeed i have
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: yes
Slept all day?: yep
Made out with a stranger?: a stranger. no
Had sex with a stranger?: haha no!
Thought you're going crazy?: probly
Kissed the same sex?: yea
Been betrayed?:sure
Had a dream that came true?: yes
Broken the law?: sure
Met a famous person?: hmm idk
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: idk i probly step on crap all the time and dont realize it
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: im good wiht keeping secrets
Stolen anything?: haha yea
Been on radio/tv?: indeed i have
Had a nervous breakdown?: probly
Had a dream that kept coming back?: yes, this one in particular i hate...i wont go into detail
Believe in life on other planets?: maybe
Miracles?: yea
Astrology?: no
God?: yea
Satan?: yea
Love at first sight?: idk, have you ever met someone who has fallen in love at first sight wiht someone? thats what i thought...
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: of course
Do you wish on stars?: sometimes if im desperate
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: indeed
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: im going with karina
Thing you're picked on most about?: probly the hair
Do you trust others easily?: depends on the person
Who's house were you last at?: andreas
Do your friends know you?: what kind of a ? is that?
Friend that lives farthest away: tiff! las vegas, nevada
What do you find romantic?: funny you ask that...i think it is incredibly romantic when somebody goes out of their way for somebody, whether it be just like being there for someone when they dont necessarily have to be there (if that made any sense?), little things mostly that i always pick up on that a lot of ppl probly would never notice, truely caring for someone, when youre with your crush/bf/gf and you feel free with them, i dont know i cant really explain this answer honestly...
Turn-on?: sense of humor, true to themselves, smart, umm nerdy people, idk somehting just has to stick out to me
Turn-off?: arrogant people, self centeredness, thinks theyre funny when theyre not, too concerned with what other people think, loves rap,
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?: very much so
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: no.
What is best about the opposite sex?: i cant answer this
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: sometimes they just dont understand, or it is frustrating when you cant relate
Are you in love?: loving, not in love
You wanted to kill?: hm...mrs kose probly since she hates me
That you laughed at?: my brothers face
That laughed at you?: idk probly andrea
You went shopping with?: karina and tiff
To brighten up your day?: idk my day kind of sucked
That you thought about?: dad
You saw a movie with?: uhh maggie bender and some other kid at dodgeball
You talked to on the phone?: mrs p! BEAT THAT
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: idk dan but were not exactly talking
You saw?: uh mikes sitting right here
Are you going out?: no it is late
What are you wearing right now?: weird sweatpants and a big shirt
Body part you're touching right now: umm nothing on account of im typing
What are you worried about right now?: a few things...
What book are you reading?: mein kampf
What's on your mousepad?: some osu thing
Are you bored?: not really
Are you tired?: not really
Are you talking to anyone online?: im not talking online
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: no
Are you lonely or content?: both
Are you listening to music?: when do i not