So I finished my essay.. mostly. The only reason I can justfy writing on lj is because my mom is being super and editing my essay for me. So I just have to wait until she's done to work on my essay any more. I'm only a paragraph short, so you know what that means? I get to go OUT tonight! WOO! I'm super excited. I haven't been out since last
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So sometimes I focus on things... things like my cell phone. I stare at it. I can't do anything without thinking about it. I just sit and wait. (but totally not in a neurotic creepy weird way, haha I swear) That's why I liked it so much when I broke my phone, because I felt so free. So I have a solution - I turned my phone off! Now it's not
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Wenatchee.... hmm. I don't know how to explain it. I miss college. I dislike driving, but I like the freedom of it. I think maybe I would rather be a passenger with input on where we go
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You know those times when you're incredibly happy, but you're having so much fun that you don't really notice? You don't savor the moment, because it feels like it will last forever. You don't even notice how great those moments are until you're at the library reading poly sci, and you're like "damn, I wish I was there." I feel like I live my
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My week: Pikes Livout, Phi Pools, Psi Us, TKEs, Pikes, and all in a random mixture. I definitely had a great 5 days of going out... yay. Today I even did homework, went out, and then came back and did some more homework
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I feel like I'm in the calm before the storm because I have so much next week, but nothing to do right now. No homework because we're reviewing in my classes tomorrow... nothing to do because we're reviewing tomorrow... so yeah I'm bored. I could study, but I'm not one of those people that can study way before a test. I feel like I'll forget it
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I have accumulated further proof for my theory that I see whomever I most wish not to see. Heidi disagrees with my theory, but that's just because there's no one she wishes most not to see. I, for some reason, always have someone I don't want to see
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And yes, he was Paul Walker. So maybe he lied and said he was his brother, but he was TOTALLY Paul Walker. We saw him at a Shell Station on the way to Whistler, so it was before anyone else who saw him AT Whistler! I didn't get a picture with him, but that was because he said he was his brother, so what was I supposed to do? Be like "Oh well
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