First best friend: Piper armstrong
First car: I got a 72 maverick but never drove it much because it was insanely dangerous. only cost $500.
First date: Ivan
First real kiss: Ivan
First break-up: Ivan
First Screen name: Must Use Inhaler. dedication to my obese childhood days in P.E
First self purchased album: I have no idea...
First funeral: My Uncle Dale
First pets: Frodo, Sissy, and bimbo
First piercing/tattoo: I got my first piercings in my ears when I was about 8, then when I was about 15, I got my eyebrow done, but that ripped out and I gave myself stitches. Then I gave myself 6g holes in my ears, and 6 more piercings. Now I only have 7 total. I gave myself two tattoos when I was 16 but they faded in about a year. Now I have my Rudegirl tattoo, and I plan on turning it into a quarter sleeve, getting another quarter sleeve and moving onto my back. I love body art.
First credit card: NO!!!!!!
First true love: nah.
First enemy: Lorna romaro. I'd still kill her. haha.
First big trip: we drove through Yellowstone for a week when I was about 4, and then we drove across the nation to Maine and back when I was about 10. both were..interesting.
Last cigarette: I dont smoke cigarettes.
Last car ride: coming home from school
Last kiss: Josh, but he doesnt count
Last good cry: hahah, when I was drunk.
Last library book checked out: um. that was forever ago.
Last beverage drank: DIET FUCKING PEPSI.
Last food consumed: "wheat wafers"
Last crush: I dont say.
Last phone call: probably tara.
Last time showered: last nite.
Last shoes worn: I wore my olllldd creepers today. NO heels! wow!
Last cd played: I was just making a mix tape..
Last item bought: Jr bean n cheese burrito and a large sierra mist from fili b's, $2.79.
Last annoyance: Political losers who arent even old enough to vote.
Last disappointment: toasters show. good lord.
Last time wanting to die: about a year ago. I was really unhappy.
Last time scolded: dont remember.
Last shirt worn: Wifebeater.
What comes to mind when you hear..
..snow?: jersey
..rain?: that madonna song.
..tornado?: paris hilton
..summer love?: happend so fast.
..Jon?: WWJD?!
..Shea?: homes.
..dizzy?: being a kid
..peppermint? peppermint DICK! peppermint CLIT!
..New Found Glory?: baby faces.
..placebo?: that band. juice?: california and nick
..candid camera?: that dumb theme song (I agree with tara)
..sister?: theme song to that show, "sister, sister" my brother richhhhieeeee!
..hate? junior high. I was so angry. haha. painting.
..President: shuttup everyone. carson
..rap?: a rip rap rippity doo
..pop?: addiction.
..rock?: tara.
..punk?: OIIIIIIII ANARCHY. for tara. sign langauge and miss blue.
..death?: rockabilly folk. the teething ring linsey stole from subway the other day that's a bee.
..the end?: wah wah waaaah
1. Whats the story behind your screen name? I first heard ska when I was four and my neighbor taught me how to dance to it and he said "hey, check it out, its a lil rude girl"
2. Name five of your favorite pig-out foods: enchiladas, french fries with ranch, cherries, oatmeal crisp cereal, giant soft pretzels
3. Have you ever had a makeover? YES! when I had super long hair and the lady cut off 13 inches and I was so mad at her.
4. What did you do today? didnt wanna wake up, got ready and wore chump clothes (pants), went to school, helped kids with their homework, watched a WWII video, helped pauleen with her x-ray spex piece, came home, talked to pat.
5. What's the longest you have stayed out of the country/where? nope.
6. One thing you're greatful for today? MY CAR.
7.What is your favorite high school memory? when NSA was still in scottsdale and hanging out with everyone at lunch in front of the school and calling the other payphone at bashas and watching the people react to our "I'm watching you and I'm going to shoot you" calls.
8. What is your worst high school memory? oh god, how pretentious some people were. still are.
9. Describe your dream wedding: kinda similar to tara...Runnin off to vegas and eloping and not telling anyone for a long time. Marrying a man in the military..(dont tell!)
11. Name three teachers you liked in high school: Angela Johnson, Kyllan Maney, Mr. Zaro
12. Worst teacher...FUCKIN PEGRAM. I'll kill him.
13. Worst fashion trend...apocolypse pants with shit all over them, trucker hats, androgyny
14. The school picture you buried in your bottom drawer? eh. I was always too poor to get photos until this year.
15. Do you have any weird preferences? I have many. I have to have two lemon slices in my diet pepsi when I eat filbertos.
16. What is one thing you will never understand about the opposite sex? why they like girls kissing, thongs buttsex, and threesomes. I'll succumb to those things when they do. I wanna see guys on guys kissing wearing thongs and doing eachother in the butt. see? how does it feel, loser?
17. Who is your best friend? TARA FUCKING O'CONNOR
18. Who is your boy/girlfriend? I have no boygirlfriend.
19. Four things you are doing right now? watching dr. phil
20. Give yourself a pornstar name. titty von cunt.
21. Do you have any weird sleeping habits? I strangle a pillow between my legs.
22. What do you plan to do this summer? Kidnap tara and fly our asses out east to hang out with good folk.
23. What is your favorite song right now? Sit down sweet servant
24. Write a line from any song. "wisdom is a liquor store, tastes so sweet, just wait til you wake up in the mornning"
25. Do you know any Disney song by heart? yes.
27. Your typical sleepwear? undies and ad tank top
28. Whats in your bag? Glamorette, pens, pencils, brass knucks (when they're not in my jacket), hello kitty organizer, keys, lots of change, betty page and slackers lighters, cigarellos, a hankie, embroidery floss, gauche paint, paintbrushes, the aggrolites cd.
29. Whats in your wallet? My hello kitty organizer doubles as my wallet..ID's, license, gift cards, phone numbers, money..
30. How much money do you have in your wallet right now? I'd say about $17
31. What is your favorite pair of shoes? Spectator high heels that I get at least three compliments on when I go shopping (ask tara)
32. If you could've gone to your senior prom in a different outfit, what would it have been? I havent had mine yet, but I'm making mine.
34. Tell us about any of your birthdays. they're usually awful, I've never had a "real" birthday party with pals. but this year, tara and I hung out and had dance parties outside her car.
35. Would you rather be a hobbit, an elf, or a dwarf? worst question ever. fuck you, science fiction!
36. What are the first five things you would splurge on if you were a billionaire? classic cars, fix up the rest of my house for my mother, get a loft in NYC, become a philanthopist.
37. What is your usual Before-Going-To-Bed ritual? take a shower, watch some CNN, put on chapstick.