Title: The Smallest Thing
Disclaimer: I don't own it so please don't sue
Summery: Based on a challenge from Hrhficstarters comunity
Characters:Harry/Hermoine as the main ones with menchions of Ron,Luna, Ginny and Neville.
Word Count 464
Why did he have to drop his homework in the trunk? More importantly why did he have to go inside to get it? Harry sighed. He should have remembered it was a Shrink Trunk. He should have remembered that it could shrink anything.
Even himself.
He could remember getting stuck in the trunk easily- even though it had happened twenty minutes ago. Everything looked huge to him. He wondered what Hermione and Ron where doing, wait he knew what Ron was doing. Ron had gone off to see Luna in her carriage- they had gotten together during the summer and Harry had barely seen Ron all summer because of it.
“Harry are you in here?” Hermione’s booming voice asked, startling Harry out of his thoughts.
“Hermione!” Harry tried to yell even though his voice was a high pitched squeak that no one could hear.
“Why would Harry leave this trunk open?” Hermione asked herself getting ready to shut the lid.
“No don’t!” Harry tried to stop her. Hermione peered into the trunk and Harry noticed her beautiful eyes look even more beautiful and even bigger close up.
“Harry?” Hermione asked amazed and Harry nodded wildly, “what happened?” Harry started to speak but then realised that she probably hear him while he was like this form. He sat down again deflated but perked up when Hermione asked a question, “Is this a shrink trunk?” Harry nodded again and Hermione looked amazed, “Oh I read about these, so it really does shrink humans then?” Harry nodded and pointed to himself.
“Oh! I suppose you want to be back to your normal self right?” Harry nodded and Hermione picked him up. Two seconds later Harry was his normal size and sitting in Hermione’s arms.
“You know you... you looked rather cute small” Hermione admitted blushing. Harry looked surprised.
“You looked… rather cute humongous...” Harry admitted a second later, staring into her beautiful eyes once again.
“You know I always thought it was the male who carried the female” Ron interrupted the two standing in the doorway making Hermione and Harry blush.
“Well this is the 90’s Ron, this isn’t just a mans world anymore” Harry told his friend, “and anyway weren’t you with Luna?”
“Luna and Ginny wanted to talk about something… and kicked me out” Ron admitted.
“You know Harry, maybe we should show Ron that this isn’t just a mans world anymore” Hermione suggested.
“And how do you propose to do that?” Harry asked with a sly grin.
“Simple. Like this” And with that Hermione pulled Harry into a kiss while Ron watched open mouth.
“The train is about to pull into the- holy moly” Neville said from the doorway, “when did they get together?”
“I have absolutely no idea Neville.” Ron managed to say.
The End