Yet another "Susan is bored while waiting for the rice to finish cooking" post.
This one is Top Five Favorite Sentences/Paragraphs from Original Work, so in no particular order...
From "Coping" aka "Whiskey"-
“Justice is but a long dead idea held onto by the optimistic and foolish.”
From "Stained Glass"-
"She looked down at the ruined rose and stared at the red streak that paid no heed to the tediously drawn black outline. If she were the philosophic sort she’d have begun to compare her life thus far to the ruined stained glass design. Twenty years spent perfecting bold, crisp borders and in one brief moment it all went to hell when a rogue element streaked through the limitations she had so meticulously set. That, of course, is what she would’ve thought if she’d admit to herself that she was indeed a philosophical type of person."
From "Untitled"-
"I hide behind words at times; labeling things with pretty words so that they seem less real and less tangible. But most of all I hide behind a smile because no one questions a smile. They just always assume that you smile because you're happy. My smile is my greatest lie."
From "Twenty-something"-
"I’m an ordinary sort of person. I can’t help it. I was never meant for the extraordinary. I was never meant to save someone or invent the cure to cancer or even write a bestseller. I was meant to live a regular life in an average town doing nothing astonishing. But that isn’t completely true. I do have one truly remarkable thing in my life. My friends."
From Chapter 26 of "The Diary"-
“They are my family but their actions do not dictate my own, because in the end I am not them. I am just me and it’s nothing to be ashamed of or sorry for. Life is about choices not genetics.”