Title: Destiny Calling (Part 5 of His Universe series)
Author: Lilac Summers (lilsum4)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Eleven/Donna
Rating: G
A/N: Donna is left behind, again. We learn how the metacrisis was fixed. Sequel to
Part 4: Sparkling Personality, from His Universe series. Will this make sense if you haven't read the others? Probably not! Here
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Comments 12
Thank you!!!!!!!!!
I so love it!!
But it's so sad.... Donna's saved by River and she can do nothing to save River!
And Donna's also a good actor! She acted as if she didn't know that the Doctor was married!
And I'm so glad that the 2 most important women (his wife and Donna) and Amy get along pretty well. I'm imagining that they will be ganging up on him (at least Amy and Donna) and keep him in check...
I wonder if the Doctor will ever give in to River's advice to go shag Donna for "stress relief" :D
Like River was telling it, it sounded as if River and the Doctor were never intimate, or at least, so it seemed to me.
But I might be wrong, after all, River is a 51st Century girl (although being brought up in Leadworth) and she might "handle" things differently compared to 21st Century people.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, and don't make us all wait months and months for the follow-up, please?!?
Eleven's reaction to seeing Donna again, this brings a whole new light to it. Even River realized that the Doctor's feelings for Donna were definitely much more than "just mates," that the tension from that would get in the way of their own relationship (whatever it was). I wonder if the Doctor is ever going to try to take River's advice.....
I have to read that part again, now please don't make us wait so long for another update! I want to see what happens after this....
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