I haven't had this bad of a day (well really, afternoon) in so long I don't even remember. I have never been so hurt and maddened and disappointed in a friend. *obviously none of my lovely ljers whom i love dearly for being real friends who are mature enough to have friendships and who care about me too
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Comments 7
* dominant
* intuitive
* social
* kinky
* cute
* puppy
* warm flannel sheets
* follower
* talkative
* spontaneous!!!
* teddy bear
* window shopping
* tequila
* top
* shoes
* jeans
* tender
* aware
* nerd
It makes me so sad to know you're sad, because... you know, I see you stressed sometimes and we whine together because we both are, but you being hurt... :( I don't see that often and I don't like it. *hug*
* dominant or submissive (in between)
* intuitive
* social
* kinky
* cute
* puppy
* warm flannel
* follower (but sort of a leader among them? er, borderline)
* talkative
* spontaneous (<3 you, <3 pop!)
* teddy bear
* window shopping
* tequila
* top
* bare foot
* jeans
* tender
* aware
* nerd :)
* dominant or submissive...shoot I'm stuck on the first one. Depends on situation.
* intuitive
* social
* kinky
* cute
* puppy
* warm flannel sheets
* leader
* talkative
* spontaneous
* teddy bear
* window shopping
* vodka
* top or bottom...BOTH!!! Because we trade off...hehe.
* bare foot
* jeans
* tender
* aware
* nerd hehe
We need to have a girls night out do something fun. Its been awhile. Remember in the fall when we were all like, we must do something fun every Friday evening? I don't know if I just haven't been a part of that because of WSS or if it just stopped happening or what. But definitely should do something...this weekend, next weekend...after the Lit exam lol!
If you ever want to talk or scream or sing pop songs, I'm here.
* dominant
* intuitive
* social
* kinky
* cute
* puppy
* warm flannel sheets
* leader
* talkative
* spontaneous :)
* teddy bear
* window shopping
* tequila
* top
* bare
* jeans
* tender
* aware
* nerd (hehe)
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