Title: Bunny
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Lily, James, Harry
Challenge: Pride and
harry100’s Child’s Play
Word Count: 100
Author's notes: none
“You’re joking!”
“No! It flew right across the room into his hands!” Lily cried, swooping the toy through the air to demonstrate.
The baby on her lap laughed and reached for the bright calico.
“Summoning at his age!” James exclaimed, pushing his glasses up his nose.
Lily beamed with pride. “And he wasn’t even concentrating! He made it look like child’s play!” She tossed the coveted stuffed animal to the floor. “Watch.”
James picked the rabbit up and placed it into his son’s outstretched hands gently. “Let’s not rush him, Lil. There’s no need for him to be a prodigy.”