Since you didn't ask...lily1021November 7 2006, 16:10:59 UTC
I voted for him as he actually seems to have a plan for dealing with many of the issues we are facing. The other candidates are just pointing out what the others are doing wrong or why their opponents would not be right for the job. Plus I lived in MN when we elected Jesse Ventura as Governor and regardless of how he was portrayed in the media, he did some really amazing things while in office and I would love to see what an independent could do for Texas.
I would never presume to tell anyone that their choice was wrong, as long as they have looked at the issues that are important to them and then chosen a candidate that they feel will take care of those issues in the way they believe is best.
Re: Since you didn't ask...lily1021November 7 2006, 18:19:40 UTC
I've been trying to decide how to respond to first inclination was to list every point made in that link and dispute the false claims and point out the over generalizations in others but, what would be the point in that? It all a matter or opinion and perspective and everyone is entitled to said opinion.
Some of the issues they point out as a negative I actually agree with Kinky's viewpoint on, not being a die hard liberal myself I have views on both sides of the preverbal fence. There are good and bad with all candidates and as I said above I think everyone just needs to find the one they believe will take of what's important in the best way.
Having lived in a state with an independent governor and watching the media rip him and his family to shreds I am extremely leery of articles like this one. It became very clear that no one in government wants an independent to win and if they do win no one wants them to succeed as it would mean the end of the two party system....
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Plus I lived in MN when we elected Jesse Ventura as Governor and regardless of how he was portrayed in the media, he did some really amazing things while in office and I would love to see what an independent could do for Texas.
I would never presume to tell anyone that their choice was wrong, as long as they have looked at the issues that are important to them and then chosen a candidate that they feel will take care of those issues in the way they believe is best.
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Some of the issues they point out as a negative I actually agree with Kinky's viewpoint on, not being a die hard liberal myself I have views on both sides of the preverbal fence.
There are good and bad with all candidates and as I said above I think everyone just needs to find the one they believe will take of what's important in the best way.
Having lived in a state with an independent governor and watching the media rip him and his family to shreds I am extremely leery of articles like this one. It became very clear that no one in government wants an independent to win and if they do win no one wants them to succeed as it would mean the end of the two party system....
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