Title: Life
crescent_gaiaRating: G
Prompt Set: 100.2
Prompt: #4 - Today
Word Count: 487
Summary: Lily reflects on her life so far the day after she’s supposed to be dead.
Warnings: None
Notes: I don't own these characters, JKR does. As you can tell from the summary, this is an AU.
Lily was the first to wake up, which was something that was a bit new. Usually James was the first to wake up, along with Harry, and they would go have their fun while attempting to be quiet. Now, she had her own quiet while she let her boys sleep. She went into the kitchen and started to make tea. She sat at the table, thinking on where she had been not even twenty four hours earlier.
She was in her house, staring down the most evil wizard of their time. Perhaps of anytime. He had asked her to stand aside…and all she had wanted to do was ask him why. Why her, when he didn’t care about James or Harry. Why her, when she was the type of wizard that Voldemort decided the world did not need. She wanted to scream it at him, but all she did was stare him down. She knew that she was never going to move, that she couldn’t move. She couldn’t just sacrifice her son like that, not for her own life.
And yet…it was a green light, but it wasn’t that green light. And then, he couldn’t kill Harry. It had failed and she was able to run to Sirius’ house, so she could save him from a fate worse than death. An innocent man in Azkaban - she pushed that idea from her mind as quickly as it came. Peter, and all the other death eaters, deserved to rot in there. That she knew. That was something she wasn’t going to squirm away from in her mind.
She looked at the tea pot and sighed. Now they had to put their life back together again. Maybe even in this neighborhood…that would be nice. Staying close to Deirdra and Sirius, to have their children grow up together in a way. That would be perfect, in her mind, planning out a fictional life that would keep them close to their best friends. All they needed was to find someone for Remus and everyone would be happy, in their own way. Or even talking to Dumbledore about having Remus teach at Hogwarts, for she wasn’t about to let her one of her and James’ oldest friends just be out there. Someone had to keep an eye on the werewolf, even though he didn’t want it.
She chuckled to herself as she saw an owl coming. She opened the window, noticing that the owl belonged to one of Deirdra’s family. The owl dropped the letter on the table and gently nipped Lily’s hand before flying off again. She closed the window and sat back down, debating if she should wake up her friend or let her sleep. She decided to let them sleep as the kettle whistled that the tea was ready. She poured herself a cup as she turned off the stove and just looked out the window on All Saints Day.