Title: Nothing Like The Moon
Word Count: 7,413
Rating: PG
Characters: Luna, Harry/Ginny
Summary: No one - not even she - knew that Luna was one of the most observant people at Hogwarts.
Note: Written for the
hpgw_otp Rewrite It! challenge. I took the chapter heading 'Luna Lovegood'.
Nothing Like The Moon )
Comments 31
Your Luna... I can't ever write her, because I just don't get her. You, I think (I know!) do. I keep scrolling back up to pick out a favorite part, and I just can't decide. I will say, though, that I really, really loved the bit with Luna and Draco at the end. "You have food stuck between your teeth." *giggles* But I also love the description of Ginny...and of Harry...and the scene in Grimmauld Place...and the discussion of love after Dumbledore's funeral...and oh! the bits about her mother...
I'm glad you liked the Draco bit. The last section was the easiest to write because of him!
I would love to read more stories with your Luna's POV, she sees everything and in such a different way that the average 'OotP at war/Harry defeats Voldy' becomes an incredible novelty.
I've got lots to say, but no brainspace because... Well. This is really dead on. And moving. And thought-provoking.
The throughline of moon imagery, and the sense of Luna coming to grips with her mother's loss, is incredibly powerful and beautifully done.
The sequences with Ginny by the lake and with Harry at Grimmauld Place were just spectacular-simple, wonderfully-observed and elegant. The sense of these two people who "feel things" pulling Luna slowly out-"cracking her shell"-even as she is helping them was very touching.
I have a feeling (or at least I hope) that Luna will allow herself to let go too far some time soon.
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