(no subject)

Nov 18, 2011 11:20

Yuletide Letter

Dear Yuletide Author,

Thank you for picking up my prompt! I hope you’ll have a jolly good time with it! This is my first year participating, so I hope that I'm giving you enough to work with. :)


I prefer Het but you could also do Gen. I’m not really into Slash or Femslash.


I suppose I’m a sucker for Romance with a happy ending, but I don't like it to be to fluffy or too easy for characters to get there. I like tension and angst. I also don't mind AU or Angst by itself.


You can write anything, whatever. G to NC-17. I like sexual content, but I don't like porn-just-for-porn's-sake. I like context. :)


I'm not really into kinks, but I really don't like noncon, bloodplay, watersports, or anything too out there. My tastes run pretty vanilla, but if you want to add a little kinkiness, I don't mind. Surprise me, I might like it.


Wallander: (Magnus Martinsson/Linda Wallander)

Words cannot express how much I love Magnus and Linda. They have almost no screen time together, but the brief moment they do have is when Magnus saves Linda’s life. Magnus is such a lonely character, always being yelled at by Kurt, and Linda is so bright and lovely. ..I was always a little disappointed why their relationship was never further developed. It always seemed a bit strange they wouldn’t interact more, Kurt being Magnus’s superior, and Magnus having saved her life. The connection is there, so it would be great to have that explored. I would prefer a romance, but friendship is more than fine!

Deadwood: (Seth Bullock/Martha Bullock)

Oh, Deadwood. It was the greatest show…and then it was cancelled leaving my heart in pieces and lots of loose endings.

I was always interested in the relationship between Seth and Martha. Seth marries his brother’s widow out of duty and respect, and to care for his nephew, but Martha at least attempts to establish something of a normal married relationship with that awkward scene in the bedroom talking about his boots and having a “discussion.” Alma makes it complicated, but after William’s death, they grow closer in some ways, and it could be interesting to see how it continues. Romantically, sexually, whatever.

Midnight in Paris: (Scott Fitzgerald/Zelda Fitzgerald)

This was probably my favorite movie of the year. I think we all think at one time or another that we were born in the wrong time, and it is a good reminder that the time we live in could be one of the most exciting of all, we just don’t know it yet!

So, Scott and Zelda, doomed from the start. She was crazy and he was an alcoholic, but they loved each other more than anything.

I would like to see the missing scenes, perhaps after Scott decides to go after Zelda when she’s with “The Italian” or after she tries to throw herself into the river. Something sweet, but angsty, perhaps foreshadowing what tragedy is eventually to come.

All this being said, I want you to have fun and like what you are writing above all else! If the characters are developed and the plot interesting, that is all that matters to me!

Thank you so, so, so, much!!!

yuletide letter

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