1. Have you ever kissed someone 20 or older?
Mike's 24
2. Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with an A?
hmmmmm.... i don't think so
Where's question 3?
4. Do you like the color green?
i like light green
5. Are you in a relationship?
6. Ever eaten soap?
when i was younger my babysitter washed my mouth out with dishsoap for saying "pissed off" (because i was supposed to understand what that meant)
9. What song are you listening to right now?
Watching Wheel of Fortune
10. Is there a place you would like to visit?
I'm going there in 3 days!
11. Have you ever fell into a mud puddle?
yes, when i was little
12. Do you like winter?
love it!
13. Does your screen name have numbers in it?
yes 15
14. Are you in a band?
haha no
15. Do you like parties?
they're ok
16. What are you scared of?
17. How long have you had your myspace for?
about two years
18. What's your favorite non alcoholic beverage?
lemonade, or water
19. If you could own a monkey, would you?
no... it would make a mess
20. Do you own anything from American Eagle?
yes, many things
21. Do you listen to rap?
no not really
23. Favorite Disney movie?
Many, but Mulan, Little Mermaid and Tarzan are some of them.
27. How clean is your bedroom?
quite clean seeing as i'm never in it
28. Do you regret anything?
a few things, but there's not much i can do about it
29. What are you excited about?
going down to CT and seeing everyone
30. Are you an artist?
i'm artistic, but not an artist per se
31. Do you have an addiction?
books, shoes, earrings... lol
32. Favorite swear word?
mother effer!
33. What did you do today?
Had class, visited with my mom, took a nap, ate dinner
34. Do you get bored easily?
35. How many pillows do you sleep with?
36. Do you like smores?
yes, with lots of chocolate
37. Do you like hugs and kisses?
love them
38. Do you act gangster?
i'm from the country, i doubt i could if i tried
39. What kind of guys/girls do you go for?
sweet, funny, kind, caring.... Mikes... lol
40. How is life?
life is quite good
41. Plans for Saturday?
hopefully visiting the aquarium
42. Do you smoke?
43. Have you ever tried any type of drug?
only one
44. Been embarrassed in public?
45. Who are you dating?
46. Have you been in trouble with the cops?
48. Is there anything about yourself you are trying or want to improve?
my headache problem and maybe lose a little weight
49. Are you confused about anything right now?
50. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
yes I have