You're a true Vermonter when...

Dec 17, 2007 15:03

You drink Budweiser
(i actually hate beer, but i'll drink Bud over anything else)

You know what muddin' is
(yes and i've done it!)

You know there is a difference between Northern VT and Southern VT
(oh hell yeah)

You've got at least three different types of Ben and Jerry's in your freezer at all times
(not right now, but usually yes)

You own at least one tie dyed t-shirt
(three actually)

You can roll a mean joint and make a water bong
(yes and yes)

You're still hanging on to those old bootlegged Phish tapes
(well more like CD's now, but yes)

At least of one your friends lives in a van
(not yet, but it's bound to happen)

There's four seasons - summer, fall, winter, and mud
(i hate mud season!)

You've skied Mad River Glen
(no but every other mountain yes)

You believe in diversity, even though all your friends are white
(it's sad how white VT is)

You scoff at imitation maple syrup

You party in the woods

Driving is better in the winter because the potholes get filled with snow
(and it's more fun to go sliding around on the road)

You've gone trick-or-treating in the snow
(i've had to wear a ski jacket, does that count?)

You think everyone from the city has an accent.
(and everyone thinks i have one... bitches)

Your idea of a traffic jam is 10 cars waiting to pass a logging truck
(or a tractor)

You measure distance in hours
(actually yes i do)

You use a down comforter in the summer.
(i have before)

You carry jumper cables in your car and your girlfriend knows how to use them.
(yes i have jumper cables and yes I know how to use them tyvm)

It takes you 3 hours to go to the store for one item even when you're in a rush because you have to stop and talk to everyone in town.
(dammit, i know too many people here)

You accept the fact that the closest Wal-Mart is 30 minutes away
(it seriously is, no joke)

You owe more money on your snowmobile than your car.
(actually i think they're both paid off by now)

You think the start of deer hunting season is a national holiday
(most guys skip school and the administrators don't give a fuck)

You know what cow-tipping is AND you've tried it
(it's quite dangerous actually, but fun to get the flatlanders to try)

You know who the Logger is

You've partied in a hunting camp
(beer and deer, baby!)

A friday night consists of: field parties, bon fires, beer and friends
(yup, yup, yup and yup... good party)

You know what a flatlander is and you know they can't drive
(ahahaha, no they really can't)

If you have worn shorts and a parka at the same time
(to get the mail and such, yes)

You know several people who have hit a deer more than once.
(my mom just did recently)

You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day and back again.
(been there done that)

You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching.
(which is what i did the whole way home this weekend)

You see people wearing camouflage at social events (including weddings).
(yup, but it's their GOOD camo don't ya know?)

You play horse shoes
(quite fun when you're drunk)

You own and wear carhartts
(mmmm carharts)

You don't pronounce the 't' on the end of words - "vermon"
(Vermon don' got no "t")

You have a cell phone, but you rarely get good service
(my house is a friggin black hole!)

You know what "peepers" are
(oooo i love peepers, it's not summer without them)

You say "moun-ain" because you can't pernounce your T's
(again, there's no "t" in vermont"
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