Hello? Hellooooo?
[A fitting way to begin a post on ArtichokeNet. It's amazing Lily even found the right buttons. There's a whoosh of air when Lily shakes the communicator. That's obviously going to help! One can hear sniffles in the background. Lily just finished crying with joy (for now).]
Um, is anybody there? My name is Lily. [… Not Unit 67.
Read more... )
His voice is calm, though.]
This is a world called Vertiline. We have been brought here in the hopes that we can defend the local inhabitants from the monsters that are attacking them. If you see fog, stay away from it. Dangerous creatures lurk within it.
The creature that is following you is called a capybara. They have been provided to us as pack animals, and they are not dangerous.
[The other stuff can wait.]
What do you look like, Lily?
[The Warrior is coming to find you.]
Monsters? Oh. ... Monsters. Okay.
[Right. This is so a dream. Still, Lily's pretty wary about giving out her physical description. It reeks of a bad idea. She quickly looks back at the capybara. It's fucking adorable.]
What do you look like? [Lily asks as she pulls herself up in a nearby tree. Weird - it seems more difficult than it should be. Probably her imagination.] Because. You know. I guess.
I am wearing blue armor. You will see me coming.
[Because it is shiny and shows up well against the forest green. He's searching along the edge of the tree near the pods, hoping that Lily hasn't gone too far in.]
Can she even call that awful place home?
Whatever. Bottom line, this guy doesn't look like a threat. At all. Even with his shiny metal stuff (armor?), she can easily take him down if she has to (or so she thinks). Lily drops out of a tree a little ways away and approaches with extreme caution.]
... Hi.
He will not come too close to Lily, because he knows this concept of 'personal space'.]
Hello, Lily. I am the Warrior of Light. Have you just arrived?
[Strange how all the new people arrive in groups.]
[Oh, right. Lily rubs her muddy, bloody hands on her jumpsuit. This actually makes her look less presentable.]
Um, this is the outside, right?
Are you hurt? There is a healing hall in the temple.
[Also, that is a strange question, but...]
We are outside, yes.
[What a lame finish. That whole sentence fills her with dread. Way to remind yourself you killed your entire makeshift family, Lily. She swallows her sadness and tries (fails) to look nonchalant. Emotions have to wait.]
That is good.
[See the Warrior fumble. How does small-talk go.]
Are you hungry?
I can show you where to get something to eat.
[Glancing at her jumpsuit.]
And where you may obtain a change of clothes.
[Lily is trying to emotionally detach herself. None of this feel real. The massacre doesn't, and Vertiline doesn't. It's probably better that way.]
So, um, are you just "the Warrior of Light"? Or do you have a real name? [Pause. WAIT.] I mean! Not that that can't be a name! Because it can!
[He's been giving that little speech a lot lately.
Off towards the temple! He's not making full use of the length of his legs, though, so Lily should be able to catch up fairly easily.]
Warrior. Okay. That's cool, I guess. Where do you come from?
[This is how normal people make conversation, right?]
Prior to this, I was on a world made of the fragments of many others. It was a battleground for a war between gods.
[This is another speech he's been giving a lot lately.]
[Surprisingly, Lily knows what all of those words mean. Well, she only knows "god" in a vague sense. But still.]
That sounds... bad. I think.
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