Despite real life being a ruthlessly busy bitch as usual...story writing is happening. I'm almost done with my auction fic. I hope the winning bidder will be happy with what I've created. ~_^.
Well, I never got to read the story but I'm glad that you're alive. I was worried that something very bad happened to you since I didn't get any reply to a few of my messages ^^;; But, according to your profile page, you've been updating your journal. I hope rl is not too much of a bitch. Take care. (I don't expect to see that story anymore, so don't worry about it~)
You didn't get it? Well, no wonder I haven't heard whether you were happy with it or not. I'll e-mail the file again by the end of the week when I should have more than a minute or two online. I'm sorry it didn't go through. Probably a result of me only getting a chance to be online once every 5 to 6 weeks. I had hoped that would improve...but obviously it hasn't.
Comments 3
I'm looking forward to the story. Thanks.
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