I haven't really been able to get on LJ (or many other websites at all, for that matter) for months now... the internet has been so bad at my house. I can make comment here, read a post there, mostly on my phone, but I haven't been able to do much else. Apologies to anyone I might have been talking to and seemed to drop out. :/ Thankfully it's working at the moment (and yet it's raining).
I don't know what to do. I don't know whether to drop science from my science/arts programme. Yes, I passed my supplementary examination for chemistry (HALLE-FEKKING-LUJAH!!!), but I don't want to go on with it just because of the compulsory statistics course that I'd have to do, among other things. I don't want a career in science at all and it's just a stressful expensive hobby otherwise. I'm thinking I might just sneak into lectures for classes I have an interest in and keep up my with my level of genetics lectures all the same.
Ahh, well that feels better even saying it. I've been putting it off, but I'm going to send it in right now - my request for change of program. Then I'll just be a useless arts student, hehe. I'm going to keep on with linguistics and I suppose French, although I'm considering doing drama instead. I took a drama course last semester and GOD IT WAS BRILLIANT. I'm naturally ridiculously shy, but I like to think I can act. That entire course was just so brilliant. Every Monday night I went home from the tute feeling fantastic. (Yes, I'm openly admitting it was half an excerise in learning how to talk to people without being a complete ass, but it was fun. I made friends. YAY!)
It's settled then. I'm dropping science, as much as it pains me to do. As long as I don't regret it.
(In other news, I'm going to Fraser Island with Hamish on Sunday!! YAYAYAY! But of course my luck, it's forecast storms and showers the WHOLE TIME. I just hope the forecasts are wrong like they always are. Back on the 31st.)