Harry/Ginny Drabble - Ready

Mar 22, 2006 21:15

Title: Ready
Words: 100
Rating: G
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Author’s Notes: Written for hpgw100 weekly theme: wind. And for fanfic100 prompt #054: air. Beta’d by vafizziks. It feels good to drabble again. :-)

Ginny was there with him, in the backyard of the Burrow, when Harry cast the spell that destroyed the sixth horcrux. The air around him was charged with magic and she could feel it engulf her. Power radiated off him and she could feel it blow past her like a strong wind.

When he turned to face her, he was smiling slightly. She hadn’t seen his expression so calm, so resolved in a long time. It was in that moment that she knew. Knew that he was ready for the next step.

Ready to face his destiny.

Ready to win.

fanfic100, harry/ginny drabble

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