Title: Conversations: A Story About Love, In Four Acts
belladonna_tb who requested “the moment that Harry realizes that he wants to marry Ginny.”
Rating: PG
Words: Approximately 3600
Disclaimer: I’m not JKR.
Author’s Notes: Written for
r_becca’s Changing Season’s fic exchange. Please see the masterlist for the exchange
Many thanks to
r_becca and
scary_octopus for
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Comments 31
At any rate, onto your wonderfulness. :D
I absolutely ADORED this!!! I loved the way that you approached the prompt. How you incorporated the season with a different character. I found it so intriguing how you went from showing love in it's different forms, so to speak. In George, the skeptic; Arthur, the wise; Ron, the anxious; and in Ginny, who was calm, peaceful, accepting, playful...the very essence and definition of LOVE itself.
*squishes you like mad*
Your characterizations and details and dialogue were brilliant and just spot on.
I honestly had tears will up in my eyes when I got to: I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He dropped down to one knee in front of her, only vaguely aware... I had to stop reading for a second while I wiped the tears away ( ... )
I am just beyond thrilled that you enjoyed the fic. I can't even properly express how thrilled in words, which I guess is sort of silly. :-) But... YAY!!! *bounces*
Secondly, oh my. This was the CUTEST THING! I love it. I think, depsite my unabashed love for Ron, that the scene with Arthur is the most lovely. I love the hard arse glimps we get of him in DH, and I think you've carried this on here, only with Harry he's obviously gentle and loving.
I love that Harry gets that one on one time with Arthur.
It's so right that he asked Ginny to marry him in front of their family, in the middle of her asking for the spuds. So awesome.
Ginny had only said one word, but Harry thought it was the best conversation he’d ever had.
And that right there, that simplicity and vulnerability, is exactly why I adore Harry. *happy sigh*
I will work on that. I don't know if there are floodgates, but I really did enjoy writing this, so that's definitely a good thing!
This was the CUTEST THING! I love it.
YAY!!!! *dances* I am SO glad you enjoyed it!!
I liked the scene with Arthur too, but it was the hardest for me to write. I absolutely adore writing the twins (well, now just George, I guess) and Ron can be a lot of fun as well. But Arthur can be hard and I haven't really written him much, so this was nearly uncharted territory for me. I'm glad you think I did him justice. :-)
It's so right that he asked Ginny to marry him in front of their family, in the middle of her asking for the spuds. So awesome.That is my favorite part of the fic. It was the first thing that popped into my head when I read the prompt. It's just so awkward and, I think, it's SO Harry. Very sweet, but also somewhat inappropriate ( ... )
Very well done.
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