Title: Cave of Wonders
Author: Telis (
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Panic! At the Disco GSF
Summary: Jon Walker keeps hearing about these fabulous orgies.
Word Count: 3341
Disclaimer: Fake, fake, fake.
A/N: For the
bandslashmania (Turning) Tricks or Treats Fic Exchange, for
dsudis!! I hope you like it :D and Happy Halloween!! Thanks to
notshybutsly and
castoffstarter for their amazing beta help,
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Comments 89
There were so many lines in this that had me literally clapping my hand over my mouth laughing, I can't count them all, but it started here - "You're a skeptical bastard and you have bad taste in pizza," William says. - and may have climaxed right around here - "I'd lose my balance if I lost my ass," Brendon says. - when I fell hardcore in love with Brendon and never looked back.
I love them all, though, seriously, Ryan and Spencer are perfect and Pete is hysterical and I adore your William (Hahaahahahahhhaha sucks to be ypuuu. had me in stitches again) and Jon is such a normal guy, with a really great inner monologue. I loved his scenes with Zack. And the way I could never be sure if they were really having sex or not for most of the story was absolutely brilliant, the ( ... )
Anyway, thanks so much!! :D
This nearly made me spit out my tea: "Hi," Jon says brightly. "Wrong room?" And Zack! OH ZACK! So long-suffering! <3
And Pete's final text is just perrrrfect. HEEHEE. You win, baby. You absolutely win. :D
Thanks, buddy :D
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