I'm Bored, check out these pics of my models
Thats what my gundam collection looks like, on its shelf
Pic of my Ez8
Oh and incase anyone is curious, these pics are taken on my dads model
railroad, his fucking legacy, had he spent half teh timne and energy he
spent on this, with my family, he wouldn't had fucking left us.
different view of the Ez8
My custom Gouf creation... don't ask
Another view of my Ez8, not that good
Another pic of teh Gouf, note tanker truck flipped on its side
Looking at the Gouf from behind the Ez8, i like the view.
Pic of my GM(C)
Heres a pic of my Zaku II F2, its running.
Heres teh Zaku and GM in teh same pic, it's hard to tell, but teh GM's aim, is off, by a lot, my mistake.
My Gelgoog.
Gelgoog angle two
Okay, here are some more pics.
Thats my RX-78-2 through the trees. Looks cool doesn't it?
My Dom, looks good.
Dom versus gundam. Git dat dar White mobile suit!
Feddy Zaku F2 with its gatling gun.
Another view of the F2, this pic shows off how much effort my father put into this part of his life.
Ground GM with a beam sniper rifle. isn't it beautiful?
A rushed pic of my Z'gok, its okay, i guess.
A pic of my brothers Kampfer, it looks good.
A pic of my Ground Gundam, i like it.
More of my Ez8. Second to last pic, you're almost done.
The Final pic, its of my Ez8 ofcourse. I like the view, like your standing there, watching the battle.
Well thats all of them. Feel free to comment.
Or don't know ya, whatever floats your boat