Be warned. Potential spoilers for HP6 and thoughts on HP7.
well, I finally finished HP6. It was a very good read actually. Particularly after that dreadful book 5. I will try not to give away the 'big event' of the finale of the sixth book. So let us continue onward...
This was a very funny book. Well constructed and had a little of everything. It was not the dark and brooding mood of its predecessor. The whole thing with Ginny was very amusing for some reason. That character has come a long way since her almost annoying persona in the earlier books. And too, Luna has very much grown on me. I <3 weirdness...even if they aren't aware that they are weird, lol.
Also, unlike the previous books, Harry starts to grow up a little. He does a few things independent of anyones help, and manages to score some snogging along the way ^.^" Harry has previously been kind of an idiot in my opinion. Unable to accomplish anything without someones help (if not giving him the answer). He is still an gives him a very average and normal quality that I imagine is the authors intent.
While the ending wasn't really unexpected, it was still very profound in its effect, and, perhaps, will complete Harrys transformation into a man who can take care of his own problems.
I didn't really want to go into details, I've been thinking about the book since I finished it some 15 hrs ago, and needed to put something down in words.
Now, a few thoughts on what I expect from HP7.
I have heard that the author has said that 3 central characters kick the bucket in HP7. Its actually really hard to narrow it down to just 3. But I will get to my thoughts on who they are in a moment.
Firstly, I have always liked a degree. There is something about him that is very alluring. He is not a "good guy", but his master is Dumbledore not He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Snape, like Harry, followed orders. *ahem* that was difficult without being obvious, lol.
The intersting things of HP7, will be figuring out who R.A.B. (I think) is. Another curious item will be to figure out how the remaining DA loyalists play a part in the final book where Harry will likely become very isolationist like his prey. Will Harry escape from Hermoine and Ron? Or will all 5 of the remaining school-age DA members become a new pseudo-'Order of the Phoenix' with Harry at its head?
And finally, who will get blasted from the pages of the Wizarding world? 3 to lose. So many options. The most obvious is Voldemort, whom could not remain alive with the story at its conclusion. The 3rd is very up in the air. But the 2nd, I am relatively convinced will be Neville or Harry. Yes, thats right, Harry. Neville could complete the prophecy, as the prophecy does not necessarily only refer to one of them. I tend to be brutal to my protaganists, and it is something I would certainly consider....though I don't know if that would be career suicide or something... In short, there will be 2 casualties from the prophecy. The 3rd is difficult. Depending on if Harry lives or dies, I figure it will be Hagrid or Snape (protecting Malfoy).